Aday Öğrenciler / Prospective Students - CMPE Presentation -
Alper Alimoğlu successfully defended his PhD thesis -
Emrah Budur Successfully defended his PhD thesis titled Domain-Aware Conversational Open Question Answering for Resource-Constrained Languages -
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Ugur’s project proposal titled “Learning multilevel abstractions for robotic planning” has been accepted by the TUBITAK 1001 program. -
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Tanıtımında Araştırma Laboratuvarı Gezildi -
Berrenur Saylam receives her PhD with her thesis Machine Learning for Well-being Assessment: Exploring Digital Biomarkers -
Our PhD graduate, Dr. Alper Ahmetoğlu, received the BAP PhD Thesis Award -
SIU 2024 Alper Atalay awards -
TURNA Türkçe Dil Modeli yayınlandı -
Alper Ahmetoğlu has successfully defended his PhD thesis -
Yusuf Özben has successfully defended his Master's thesis -
Furkan Oruç has successfully defended his Master's thesis -
Egemen İşgüder has Presented his MSc Thesis -
Emre Girgin tezini başarıyla sundu -
Prof. Lale Akarun Bilim Akademisi Asli Üyeliği'ne seçildi -
Deniz Dikbıyık received the Best Paper Award at UBMK 23 -
CMPE Undergraduate Program's ABET accreditation is renewed! -
Deniz Sezin Ayvaz Has Presented Her MSc Thesis: Investigating Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease Using Latent Space Manipulation -
Gönül Aycı Has Defended Her PhD Thesis: Towards Trustworthy Personal Assistants For Privacy -
The INVERSE project, in which Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre Uğur is involved as a partner, has been accepted within the scope of the Horizon Europe program under the CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING call. -
Aday öğrenciler için Bilgisayar Mühendisliği bölüm tanıtımı 27 Temmuz 2023 -
Assoc Prof Arzucan Özgür receives ERC 2022 Grant for LifeLU: Understanding the Language of Life: Identifying and Characterizing the Language Units in Protein Sequences -
Two Awards to CMPE Members at SIU'23 Conference -
Hamed Pirsiavash's Talk on "Learning with limited labels for visual recognition" -
CMPE 2023 Graduation Ceremony -
Büşra Tabak has Presented Her MSc Thesis: Automated Assignment and Classification of Software Issues -
Deniz Dikbıyık presented her MSc Thesis: Driving Behavior Classification Using Smartphone Sensor Data -
Batuhan Baykara Defended His PhD Thesis: Abstractive Text Summarization for Morphologically Rich Languages -
Duygu Serbes Presented her MSc Thesis: Adversarial Robustness and Generalization -
Cem Say's New AI Textbook for High Schools -
CMPE is ranked number 1 Computer Science Department in Turkey according to Research.com Rankings -
Melih Barsbey defended his PhD Thesis: Utilizing Nonnegative Tensor Factorization Methods for Inference, Model Selection, and Analysis in Supervised Learning -
Çağlar Fırat Presented his Ms Thesis: Reinforcement Learning Based Handover Mechanism for Next Generation Mobile Communication Systems -
İpek Erdoğan Presented her Ms Thesis: Disentangled Representation Learning in Isolated Sign Language Recognition -
Fall'22 Senior Project Awards Announced -
Dr. Çağatay Yıldız's Talk on "Recent Advances in Black Box Models for Learning Continuous -time Dynamical Systems" -
Prof. Cem Ersoy has been elected as a principal member of the Academy of Sciences -
The Turkish Language Processing Platform (TULAP) by Computer Engineering and Linguistics departments is released -
Lale Akarun is Elected Vice President of IAPR, International Association of Pattern Recognition -
Niaz Chalabianloo defended his PhD Thesis: Stress Measurement and Regulation in Real-Life Using Affective Technologies -
Gökhan Çapan defended his Phd Thesis: Algorithms for learning from online human behavior and human interaction with learning algorithms -
Atıf Emre Yüksel Presented his MS Thesis: Hate Speech Detection in Turkish News Using a Transformer-based Model Enhanced with Linguistic Features -
Yavuz Köroğlu defended his Phd thesis: Using Machine Learning to Improve Automated Test Generation -
CoLoRs Research Group at Osaka University for the The Lifelong Robot Learning Project -
Nanonetworking Research Group Collaboration with Yonsei University, Korea -
CMPE 2022 Graduation Ceremony -
CMPE 2022 Senior Project Poster Sessions -
Alara Dirik Presented her MS Thesis: 3D Shape Generation and Manipulation -
Eren Can Erkaya defended his MSc Thesis: A Comprehensive Analysis of Subword Tokenizers for Morphologically Rich Languages -
Esin Gedik has defended her MSc Thesis: Solving Turkish Math Word Problems by Sequence-to-Sequence Encoder-Decoder Models -
Şaziye Betül Özateş defended her PhD thesis: Deep Learning-based Dependency Parsing for Turkish -
New Project on Alzheimer's Disease Funded by TUBITAK -
Bogazici University Virtual Reality Lab (BUViaR Lab) is established -
Boğaziçi University Graduate Programs Promotion Day -
Cem Say's popular science book "En Hakiki Mürşit" ("The Truest Guide") is published -
HUPROG Algorithm Contest -
Özlem Durmaz İncel received the Young Scientist Award from the Science Academy -
Aykut Bozkurt defended his Ms thesis: SIMD Extensions for Ethereum Virtual Machine -
Arzucan Özgür received the Excellence in Research Award from Boğaziçi University Foundation (BÜVAK) -
Lale Akarun received the Excellence in Research Award from Boğaziçi University Foundation (BÜVAK) -
Onur Kalınağaç defended his MS Thesis: Prioritization Driven Task Offloading in UAV-Aided Software-Defined Networks -
Haluk Alper Karaevli Defended His Ms Thesis: Enhancing Relation Classification by Using Shortest Dependency Paths Between Entities with Pre-trained Language Models -
Ceyhun Onur Defended His Ms Thesis: ElectAnon: A Blockchain-based, Anonymous, Robust and Scalable Ranked-Choice Voting Protocol -
Salih Sevgican Defended his MS Thesis: Network Data Analytics Function in 5G Networks -
Efehan Atıcı Defended His MS Thesis: Detection of Free-Standing Conversational Groups with Graph Convolutional Networks -
Berkay Ataman Defended his MS Thesis: An Ontology-based Representation of Semantic Annotations for Relations Extracted from Biomedical Texts -
Gökçehan Kara Defended his PhD Thesis: Parallel Network Flow Algorithms -
Baran Kılıç Defended His MS Thesis: Parallel Analysis of Blockchain Transaction Graphs -
CmpE students ranked first in Inzva programming contest -
Best Paper at Controllable Generative Modeling in Language and Vision Workshop at NeurIPS -
CMPE students and faculty run in the 43rd İstanbul Marathon! -
Dr. Emre Uğur received BAGEP 2021 award -
İhsan Mert Özçelik defended his PhD thesis with the title QUALITY OF EXPERIENCE - DRIVEN DYNAMIC ADAPTIVE STREAMING OVER HTTP -
Three Medals to Boğaziçi Students in International Mathematical Olimpiad 2021 -
Gökcan Çantalı ranked third in the best MS Thesis, IEEE CS Turkey -
Assoc. Prof. Emre Uğur has been awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award by the Faculty of Engineering. -
Welcome to 2021 Students -
2021 CMPE Students' Ranks -
Ahmet Cihat Baktır Defended his PhD Thesis -
Ali Karakoç Defended His MS Thesis -
Zeynep Yirmibeşoğlu Defended her MS Thesis -
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Tanıtımları -
Esra Önal Defended her MA Thesis -
Gökçe Uludoğan Defended her MS Thesis -
Abdullatif Köksal Defended his MS Thesis -
Mert Basmacı Defended his MS Thesis -
Hilal Dönmez Defended her MS Thesis -
Senior Project Awards Announced -
Ahmet Beka Ozkan defended his MS thesis -
Bronze medal in Southeastern Europe Regional Contest (SEERC) -
Serhan Daniş successfully defended his PhD Thesis -
H. Birkan Yılmaz Receives BAP-SUP Grant with CONNECT Project -
Onur Güngör defended his PhD Thesis -
Sinem Kafiloğlu Defended Her Doctoral Thesis -
Digital Transformation - An interview with Lale Akarun -
A Meaningful Gift From Our Students -
Our Graduate Nadin Kökciyan will be Featured as New Faculty -
Lale Akarun Elected Vice President of International Association of Pattern Recognition -
Success at Online Programming Contest -
First Place at IEEE TR Student Branches Algorithm Competition -
Cognitive Robots that Imagine Other’s Dreams and Make Them Come True -
Emre Uğur receives TUBITAK 1001 grant -
Locating Aircraft Wrecks via Molecular Signals -
Boğaziçi University Leader in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Robotics -
Collaboration between TUBITAK TUSSIDE and Industry 4.0 Platform -
Boğaziçi University is ranked #1 among the Best Global Universities in Turkey -
Boğaziçi graduates founded an autonomous vehicle company in the USA -
Hakime Öztürk Receives the BAP Dissertation Award -
2020 Publicity Events for Prospective Students -
"de/da" Spelling Corrector -
D3A: Digital Transformation Index for SMEs -
Private Industrial 5G Networks -
Wearable Wonders -
New World, New Net -
Improving Robustness of Machine Learning Systems -
Stress detection app for smartwatches, from Boğaziçi University -
Can artificial intelligence and data science save humanity from this crisis? -
Boğaziçi University is the top Turkish university in computer science and electronics -
Open Day for Graduate Programs -
Pulse as a solution to forgotten passwords -
Prof. Dr. Tuna Tuğcu: Remote education enables learning 7/24 -
Arzucan Özgür Wins the TÜBA-GEBİP Award -
EU sponsored H2020 project Infinitech started -
Papers accepted to 14th International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications -
SPECOM'19 Conference kicks off on August 21st at 9:00, with Hynek Hermansky's keynote -
[TR] Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölüm Tanıtım Sunumu -
Student with the highest score in TYT goes to the Department of Computer Engineering -
All proposals to TUBITAK 2232 received funding -
Best Poster Award at TORK 2019 -
Spring 2019 Projects Poster Session -
Fourth Embedded Car Race -
Data for Refugees Challenge Workshop and Award Ceremony -
Fall 2018 Senior Projects Poster Session -
Teams Returning from the ACM SouthEastern European Regional Contest with Success -
Second prize in the PARSEME Shared Task 2018 -
AffecTech Training Event -
CMPE and EE Departments are hosting SPECOM and ICR -
Machine Learning İsmail Arı Summer School in Bosphorus -
CmpE Graduates of 2018 -
RoboAKUT won the third prize in the RoboCup 2018 -
Award Winning Senior Projects -
Senior Projects Poster Session -
TORK 2018 Turkey Robotics Conference -
The 5th TETAM Interdisciplinary Workshop -
[TR] Aday Öğrenciler İçin -
Boğaziçi Techsummit is taking place from 23rd to 25th of February -
World University Rankings 2018 by Subject: Computer Science -
Is Artificial Intelligence Our Master or Slave? -
Final Project Demos of CMPE 434: Introduction to Robotic -
Data for Refugees -
Senior Projects Poster Session -
New Horizon2020 Project AffecTech: Personal Technologies for Affective Health -
6. Django Girls-İstanbul etkinliği gerçekleştirildi -
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Endüstri 4.0 Platformu Danışma Kurulu oluşturuldu -
Random Variable takımı ACM ICPC'de Ukrayna üçüncüsü oldu -
RoboAKUT won the 3rd Place in RoboCup 2017 Rescue Simulation League -
A team of researchers won the IJCNN/CVPR ChaLearn Job Candidate Screening Competition. -
Our graduate Dr. Kübra Kalkan won BAP PhD Thesis Award -
First place in Taboo City Guessing AI Challenge to Abdullatif Köksal -
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölüm Tanıtım Sunumu (2016) -
Successful Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award to Prof. Pınar Yolum -
Students won TUSIAD "Bu Gençlikte İş Var 2017" Competition -
CMPE Senior Projects Poster Session -
RoboAKUT won the first place in the RoboCup Iran Open 2017 -
Come Together - Computer Engineering -
Dr. Albert Ali Salah receives 2017 BAGEP Award -
EU Funding for Full-time Msc/Phd Positions in Cognitive Robotics and Robot Learning -
Special 6-week training course organized with Havelsan: "Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Analysis" -
Graduate Programs Information Day (April 1, 2017) -
New Courses Offered This Semester -
ChaLearn 1st place award in First Impressions -
New book by Ethem Alpaydın: Machine Learning -
EU Funding for Full-Time PhD Positions available -
UCAml'16 Best Paper Award -
Okan Aşık won the best paper award at TORK 2016 -
CmpE 150 Exemption Exams -
ADAX Project got ITEA3 Award -
Görker Alp Malazgirt is a finalist in Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest 2016 -
Etem Deniz has received the 2016 BAP PhD award -
Assist. Prof. Arzucan Özgür got the BAGEP 2016 Prize -
"Open Lecture" Drew Large Crowd -
Monitoring Parkinson Patients at Home (Content In Turkish) -
"Open Lectures" from Boğaziçi University -
Graduate programs Information Day (April 2, 2016) -
Computer Engineering? -
CmpE students qualify in Google's HashCode challenge -
Get to know us -
Senior Projects -
"Abbas Güçlü" team wins first slot car race -
Follow us -
A novel app developed by CMPE students -
Software Engineering Projects -
PhD Defense Day: 3 in 1... -
CmpE Team's success in ACM RecSys Challenge -
CmpE Team wins award at the EmotiW Challenge -
BUVAK Award for Excellence in Research -
International Evening at CMPE -
ComParE 2015 Award to Heysem Kaya -
The H2020 Project "ShakerMaker" -
Cerberus competes for CMPE in RoboCup 2015 World Championship -
Patent Success from CMPE -
Binnur Görer awarded Anita Borg scholarship -
CMPE Senior Project Poster Session -
Our PhD graduate Hande Alemdar wins the BAP doctoral thesis award -
Ada Lovelace Day -
2015 Senior Projects -
Stanford-Bogazici Introduction to Computing Summer School -
İsmail Arı Computer Science and Engineering Summer School (In Turkish) -
ACM Algorithm Camp -
Evin Pınar Örnek Awarded Scholarship Grant for Grace Hopper Celebration -
Robogoal 2014 -
2014 Senior Projects -
Overcoming disabilities through technology - Sign Language Research At CMPE (Content in Turkish) -
ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2014) was hosted by Bogazici University -
Application to Graduate Programs in Computer Engineering -
Introduction to Machine Learning, third edition -
BU/CmpE team wins the Physical Load Sub-Challenge Award at INTERSPEECH Computational Paralinguistics Challenge -
Gül Varol's success in Thumos 2014 Challenge at ECCV -
CmpE website is updated -
AAMAS 2015 -
About Us -
Our PhD graduate Gürkan Gür wins the BAP doctoral thesis award at graduation -
15 PhD graduates from Computer Engineering