Faculty Members
Contact Info | Research Interests | ||
Lale Akarun Professor |
BM 28 +90 212 359 6858 akarun@bogazici.edu.tr |
Biometrics: 3D Face Recognition, Hand Vein Recognition Gesture Recognition: HCI, Sign Language Recognition Computer Vision and Image Processing, Computer Graphics | |
Fatih Alagöz Professor |
BM 42 +90 212 359 6652 fatih.alagoz@bogazici.edu.tr |
Wireless/Mobile/Satellite Networks | |
İnci Meliha Baytaş Assistant Professor (Vice Chair) |
BM 24 +90 212 359 6862 inci.baytas@bogazici.edu.tr |
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Biomedical Informatics, Adversarial Robustness | |
Cem Ersoy Professor |
BM 44 +90 212 359 6861 ersoy@bogazici.edu.tr |
Wireless Networks and Mobile Applications, Pervasive Health, Internet of Things, 5G, SDN and Multi-tier Cloud Systems | |
Berk Gökberk Assistant Professor (Vice Chair) |
BM 23 +90 212 359 7122 berk.gokberk@bogazici.edu.tr |
Biometrics, 2D & 3D Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Human Computer Interaction | |
Tunga Güngör Professor |
BM 34 +90 212 359 7094 gungort@bogazici.edu.tr |
Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition | |
Fikret Gürgen Professor |
BM 22 +90 212 359 6863 gurgen@bogazici.edu.tr |
Speech Processing, Biomedical applications, Intelligent Applications | |
Atay Özgövde Associate Professor |
BM 48 +90 212 3597774 ozgovde@bogazici.edu.tr |
Edge Computing, Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Game Engines & Game Programming, Computer Networks, 5G and Beyond, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 | |
Arzucan Özgür Professor (Chair) |
BM 38 +90 212 359 7226 arzucan.ozgur@bogazici.edu.tr |
Bioinformatics, Natural Language Processing | |
Can Özturan Professor |
BM 49 +90 212 359 7225 ozturaca@bogazici.edu.tr |
Parallel Processing, Computational Science, Graph Algorithms, Grid Computing | |
A. C. Cem Say Professor |
BM 39 +90 212 359 6628 say@bogazici.edu.tr |
Theoretical Computer Science, Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Understanding | |
Alper Şen Professor |
BM 25 +90 212 359 7696 alper.sen@bogazici.edu.tr |
Software Testing and Verification, Machine Learning for Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems | |
Tuna Tuğcu Professor |
BM 43 +90 212 359 7611 tuna.tugcu@gmail.com |
NanoNetworking / Molecular Communications, 5G Networks, Cognitive Radio, Wireless and Mobile Networks | |
Mehmet Turan Associate Professor |
BM 16B mehmet.turan@bogazici.edu.tr |
Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Analysis, Digital Pathology, Self-Driving Cars, Robotic Intelligence | |
Emre Uğur Associate Professor |
BM 33 +90 212 359 6778 emre.ugur@bogazici.edu.tr |
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence with emphasis on manipulation, cognition, learning and autonomy; Brain Machine Interface methods | |
Doğan Ulus Assistant Professor |
BM 15 dogan.ulus@bogazici.edu.tr |
Simulation-based Testing, Runtime Verification, Autonomous Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Formal Methods, Automata Theory | |
Suzan Üsküdarlı Assistant Professor |
BM 35 +90 212 359 7682 suzan.uskudarli@bogazici.edu.tr |
Social Semantic Web, Community Informatics, Digital Communities, Visual Languages, Web Technologies | |
H. Birkan Yılmaz Assistant Professor |
BM 45 birkan.yilmaz@bogazici.edu.tr |
Nanonetworking/Molecular Communications, Underwater Particle Tracking (Image Processing), Active Transmitter Localization, Cognitive Radio, Spectrum Sensing, Mobile Networks (5G and Beyond), SDN / NFV, V2X | |
Arda Yurdakul Professor |
BM 29 +90 212 359 7224 yurdakul@bogazici.edu.tr |
Embedded Systems, Reconfigurable Computing / Dataflow Computing (FPGA), Design Automation (High Level Synthesis), Real Time Systems, Computer Architecture |
Emeritus Faculty
Contact Info | Research Interests | ||
Oğuz Tosun Emeritus Professor |
BM 16A +90 212 359 6768 tosuno@pt.bogazici.edu.tr |
Computer Architecture, Parallel Processing, Fault-Tolerant Computing, Software Reliability, Embedded Systems and Robotics |
Adjunct Faculty
Contact Info | Research Interests | ||
Ali Taylan Cemgil Professor |
BM 19 +90 212 359 4731 taylan.cemgil@boun.edu.tr |
Bayesian Statistics, Machine Learning, Time Series analysis, Audio, Music and Acoustic Processing | |
Albert Ali Salah Professor |
BM 14 +90 212 359 7774 salah@boun.edu.tr |
Pattern Recognition, Human Behavior Analysis | |
Pınar Yolum Professor |
BM 38 +90 212 359 7612 pinar.yolum@boun.edu.tr |
Multiagent systems, Trust and Privacy in Online Social Networks, Social Computing |
Contact Info | Research Interests | ||
Murat Özyurt Instructor |
murat.ozyurt@boun.edu.tr | Wireless and Mobile Computer Networks |
Part-Time Faculty Members
Contact Info | Research Interests | ||
Ayşe Başar Faculty Member |
BM 32 +90 212 359 6769 ayse.basar@bogazici.edu.tr |
Machine learning, Data Science, Analytics, Software Engineering | |
Doğa Doğan PhD |
BM48 doga@mit.edu |
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Digital Fabrication | |
Didem Gündoğdu PhD |
didem.gundogdu@pt.bogazici.edu.tr | Computational Social Science, Data Science | |
Onur Güngör PhD |
BM 36 onurgu@pt.bogazici.edu.tr |
Natural Language Processing, Named Entity Recognition, Morphological Disambiguation | |
Çağatay Sönmez PhD |
cagatay.sonmez@bogazici.edu.tr | Performance Evaluation of Computer Networks, Edge Computing, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things | |
Can Tunca PhD |
BM 46 +90 212 359 7125 can.tunca@bogazici.edu.tr |
Wireless & Ad Hoc Sensor Networks, Network Protocol Design, Performance Evaluation in Computer Networks, Ambient Assisted Living, Human Activity Recognition |
Former Faculty Members
H. Levent Akın
Ethem Alpaydın
Vural Altın
Bert Arnrich
Fatma Başak Aydemir
Tunç Balman
Zeki Bayram
Haluk O. Bingöl
Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan
Ali Taylan Cemgil
James Conlon
Özlem Durmaz İncel
Mahdi Fazeli
Taflan Gündem
Selahattin Kuru
Murat Özyurt
Ali Vahit Şahiner
Albert Ali Salah
Oğuz Tosun
Murat Zeren
Former Part-Time Faculty Members
Evrim Acar Ataman
Mehmet Akar
Alkim Almila Akdag Salah
Bekir Tevfik Akgün
Ali Akkaya
Irfan Ali
Murat Andaç
Jean-Marc Desharnais
Mehmet Yunus Dönmez
Hazim Kemal Ekenel
Gunes Ercal
Cigdem Eroglu Erdem
Salim Eryiğit
Erek Gokturk
Gürkan Gür
Mete Kabatepe
Roy Kucukates
Ahmet Kutsi Nircan
İlker Oyman
Figen Oztoprak
Mehmet Kaan Öztürk
Ryan O’Donnell
Mordo Shalom
Eren Soyak
Pınar Yanardağ
Alper Yeğin
Nadir Yucel