Course Program:
CmpE 477 - Wireless and Mobile Networks
Description: Introduction to wireless and mobile networks and network architectures. Cellular networks. Mobility and handoff management. Centralized wireless LANs and Mobile IP. Mobile transport protocols. Ad hoc wireless networks. Satellite networks.
Instructor: Cem Ersoy, Room #: 44, Ext: 6861,,
Teaching Assistant: Ahmet Cihat Baktır, Room #: 47,
Textbook: - J. Schiller, Mobile Communications, 2nd Ed., Addison, 2003, and class notes.
Textbook Slides at:
Reference: -T. S. Rappaport, 2nd Ed. Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice,
Prentice-Hall, 2004.
- W. Stallings, Wireless Communications and Networks, Prentice-Hall, 2005.
Prerequisites: CmpE 475 or background on "computer networks" or consent of the instructor.
Times: MMT 236 Room: Computer Engineering Building, Room A2
1. Introduction: Wireless Transmission, Medium Access Control: TDD/FDD and Channel Access , Wireless Comm' Basics (Cell reuse, spectrum, sectoring, ...),
2. Cellular Networks (2G/3G), Location, Handoff, Connection Management, Mobile Cellular Data: GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, ...
3. Satellite Networks: GEO/MEO/LEO Satellite Systems, Satellite Architectures, Satellite Routing, Satellite Channel Access, Satellite Handoff, Protocols, Applications,
4. Ad Hoc Networks: Architecture & Protocols, Ad Hoc (Routing/Handoff), Applications,
5. Wireless LANs: IEEE 802.11 family, infrastructure and ad hoc modes
6. Wireless IEEE 802 networks : 802.15, 802.16 (Wimax), 802.22, ...
7. Mobile IP: Problems for IP in Wireless (Routing/Handoff),
8. Mobile Transport Layer, support for mobility,
9. Wireless Application Layer, Mobile OS and intermediate layers
10. Recent advances: Wireless Sensor Networks, urban and participatory sensing, pervasive healthcare, green cellular networks, ...
Term paper 1 : A mini survey on radio propagation.
(Do not submit but you are advised to complete before the first midterm.)
Term paper 2 : Critical evaluation of a technical paper on wireless and mobile networks. We will distribute the corresponding papers.
Grading: (Tentative)
15% Homeworks and quizzes
10% Term paper 2
22.5% Midterm 1
22.5% Midterm 2
30% Final