The Computer Engineering Department (CmpE), with its 24 full-time faculty members, holds the largest research groups on Computer and Sensor Networks, Video and Image Processing, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Turkey. With approximately 200 graduate students, enrolled in 2-year Master of Science (with thesis) and PhD programs, CmpE has the largest graduate program in Turkey.
The undergraduate program in computer engineering is designed so that students have a balanced background in computer hardware, software, and computer applications, and that they can adopt themselves to rapidly changing technology in their professional carrier.
The research labs and the research projects span a wide spectrum ranging from embedded system design and real time operating systems to parallel, distributed and ubiquitous computing and multi-agent systems, including various aspects such as multimedia communications, security, and human computer interaction.
Featured Research

Doktor Öğretim Üyesi Emre Uğur’un “Sembol ve Kural Keşfi ile Soyut Muhakeme ve Hayat Boyu Öğrenme