CMPE 476 Distributed Systems

Catalog Description: 

Transport layer services and protocols. Internet protocols TCP and UDP. ATM Adaptation Layer protocols. Client-server and peer-to-peer programming models. Network programming. Remote procedure call. Application layer issues and protocols. Network security. Domain name system. Network management. Electronic mail and news services. Overview of distributed systems and structures. Distributed file and directory systems. Distributed coordination, concurrency control, deadlock detection and election algorithms.


(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6


Consent of the instructor.
Link Year Semester Course Page Instructor Course Schedule Lab Schedule PS Schedule
görüntüle 2022 Spring Tuna Tuğcu
görüntüle 2021 Spring H. Birkan Yılmaz MMW 454
görüntüle 2018 Spring Course Page Tuna Tuğcu TTTh 786
görüntüle 2017 Spring Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan WWTh 671 BM A3 | BM A3 | BM A3
görüntüle 2016 Spring Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan Wednesdays 14:00-15:50 BM A2 Thursdays 09:00-09:50 BM A2 (will be moved to Wed 16:00)
görüntüle 2015 Spring Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan WWTh671 ETA A2, ETA A2, ETA A2
görüntüle 2014 Spring Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan
görüntüle 2013 Spring Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan
görüntüle 2012 Spring Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan
görüntüle 2011 Spring Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan
görüntüle 2010 Spring Mehmet Ufuk Çağlayan

Bize Ulaşın

Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi,
34342 Bebek, İstanbul, Türkiye

  • Telefon: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Faks: +90 212 2872461

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