

Full-time Faculty, 2001 - present
Department of Computer Engineering , Bogazici University , Istanbul, Turkey
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses on Complex Systems, Complex Networks, Evolutionary Dynamics, Brain Dynamics, Internet Programming, Java Programming, Theory of Squential Machines, Software Engineering, Managing Software Development, Discrete Mathematics, Introduction to Programming.

General Manager, 1990 - 2001
Integral Bilgisayar Hizmetleri A.S., Istanbul, Turkey
Founder. Responsible for the company which deals with software development and consultancy on IT.

Part-time Faculty, 1988 - 1996
Department of Computer Engineering , Bogazici University , Istanbul, Turkey
Taught graduate and undergraduate courses on Theory of Computation, Theory of Squential Machines, Design Automation, Data Structures, Discrete Mathematics.

Software Systems Manager, 1988 - 1990
Yazılım A.S., Istanbul, Turkey
Responsible for the RDBMS and CAD groups.

Teaching Assistant, 1986 - 1987
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syracuse University (link is external), NY, USA
Lectured graduate level Sequential Machine Theory course on campus and at IBM-Poughkeepsie site.

Research Assistant, 1984 - 1986
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syracuse University (link is external), NY, USA
Design and implement algorithms for simulation of time delays in logic networks and Boolean Comparison using IBM-T.J.Watson Research Center based parallel architectures.

Teaching Assistant, 1980-1982
Department of Mathematics, METU, Ankara, Turkey
Held problem sessions for undergraduate Calculus and Complex Variables courses.

Contact us

Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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