Training Announcements


This page contains legacy content. Please refer to the new training system:


As most of you cannot submit the signed and stamped physical copy of the training report and other necessary documents, here is how you will submit the documents. First of all

What you need to submit:
1. Training report:
2. Trainee evaluation form:
3. Completion form: (most of you have already done this part)
4. Bank receipt of the payment: Send it to me if you have received a payment. (most of you have already done this part)
5. Company evaluation form: will be filled online on CMPE Restricted.

How to submit:
1. Training report (Deadline: November, 19th)
- Your supervisor at your company will sign (and stamp if possible to ease the verification) each page of your training report. This signature can be a physical signature, a digital signature on the PDF, or an e-signature. Then, they/she/he will send the signed report to (---) from their/her/his e-mail account with the company extension (e.g. if Alice was your advisor at Super Company, she will send me the signed report from
- Once your training records are online at CMPE Restricted, you will also upload the report to the website. However, they are not created at the moment. Some of you might also not have a CMPE restricted account which I will create soon.
- Some of you might not get the report before the deadline due to a delay in the company. In those cases, just upload the unsigned report to CMPE restricted before the deadline. The signed copy might arrive later than the deadline.
- Otherwise, you will get a penalty of a one-day reduction for each day after the deadline.
2. Trainee evaluation form (Deadline: November, 19th)
- You will get this form from the Dean's Office (or from Although this is just a PDF, I cannot distribute this PDF as it contains the dean's signature. Your supervisor and the department head will fill and sign this form. This form is confidential, and therefore you are not supposed to see the filled form. Your supervisor will send the filled form to me. Please remind them NOT to add you to cc while sending me the form. In short, you should not see the filled form.
3. Completion form (Deadline: ASAP, hard deadline: November, 5th)
- Most of you have already sent this, but if you did not, please send the signed completion form to the accountant's office and me.
4. Receipt (Deadline: ASAP, hard deadline: November, 5th)
- Send it to me via email.
5. Company evaluation form:
- I have not created your training records, yet. You will fill this form once it is online. This is rather a small survey, takes 5 minutes to fill.

Important details about the training report:
- The report is in the same format. Please check for the guidelines and rules regarding the training booklet.
- The report mainly consists of two parts. In the schedule-like part, you will give a very short summary of what you have done each day of your training. For example, "implemented such and such algorithms to solve such problems". And there is a general report part which should be min 10, max 20 pages. In this part, you will explain what you have done in detail. See the template for more information.
- There should not be any plagiarized material. If we detect a plagiarized part (and believe me we can easily do) your training will be immediately rejected without any consideration.
- You must include the codes you have developed during the internship as an appendix. If you cannot share the code due to the non-disclosure agreement of your company, then you must get a document from the company verifying this situation.
- For each rule that you do not follow, you are subjected to partial deduction in your days (e.g. format, short content).

I will soon create your CMPE restricted users and training records. Please feel free to ask any questions.


  • Your summer training records are not created in the cmpe restricted system, yet. The reason is that we are trying to create a new cmpe restricted system. If we can finish on time, we plan to create your records on the new system.
  • The deadline for the documents will *probably* be in early November. The date will be announced on this page. You will also be informed via e-mail.


Winter internship results are announced on CMPE Restricted. Please check whether you are missing any documents. If so, please try to collect them as soon as possible.


Zorunlu stajlarla ilgili yeni düzenleme aşağıda açıklanmıştır:

3308 Sayılı Mesleki Eğitim Kanununun geçici 12. Maddesine  göre; zorunlu staj yapan öğrencilere en az asgari ücretin net tutarının yüzde 30’u kadar ödeme yapan işletmelere, stajyer öğrencilerin ücretlerinin bir kısmı işsizlik sigortası fonundan devlet katkısı olarak yatırılacak.

Bu amaçla, bölümümüz zorunlu stajı için kullandığımız staj bildirim formu değiştirilmiştir. Staj bildirim formunu henüz onaylatmamış olan öğrencilerin, yeni staj bildirim formunu doldurup staj yapacakları firmaya da onaylatarak (ıslak imza ve kaşe ile), staj başlangıcından 3 hafta önce bölüme teslim etmeleri; bölüm onayı aldıktan sonra ise, eskisi gibi, staj başlangıcına en fazla 7 en az 1 gün kala Hesap İşleri’ne teslim etmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu işlemi, ücret almayacak olan öğrenciler de yapacaktır; bu durumda formda ilgili kısma “ücret ödenmeyecek” yazılacaktır.

Staj bildirim formunu onaylatmış bulunan öğrencilerin ise, daha önce verdikleri bildirim formuna ek olarak, bu yeni formu da doldurup staj yapacakları/yaptıkları firmaya da onaylatarak (ıslak imza ve kaşe ile), en geç 22 Eylül 2017 tarihine kadar bölüme teslim etmeleri gerekmektedir.

Staj sonunda, ücret alan tüm öğrenciler ödeme dekontlarını bölüme teslim etmelidir. Dekont teslimi için de son tarih, 22 Eylül 2017'dir.



  • Deadline for submitting the training documents is (training report and evaluation form) 02.11.2015 , 17:00. There will be no extension.



  • Training results are announced. For more detail, please check the restricted system.



  • Deadline for submitting the training documents is postponed to (training report and evaluation form)  16.03.2015, 17:00.



  • Deadline for submitting the training documents (training report and evaluation form) is 09.03.2015, 17:00.



  • Deadline for submitting the training documents (training report and evaluation form) is postponed to 24.10.2014, 17:00.



  • Özlem Salehi (Office: ETA 26) is the training assistant for Fall 2014 Term.
  • Deadline for submitting the training documents (training report and evaluation form) is 22.10.2014.



  • Heysem Kaya (Office: ETA 26) is the training assistant for Spring 2014 Term.



  • Online submission page for uploading training reports is opened. Some pdf files cause "Invalid file type" error. If you get this error and you are certain that your pdf file is not corrupted then follow the instructions below the error message to email your report. Note that instructions should be followed precisely as the emails are filtered and processed automatically.



  • Please check your training status on the new CmpE Restricted web site . On "View Info" page you can see a list of you training records. For your current training record, click "View Details" icon next to your training record. Check whether your training information is correct and that you have submitted all the required documents. In the "Documents and forms to be submitted" section there should be a check mark for each document.
  • Send email to Itır Karaç ( ((link sends e-mail))) if you don't have an account for the new CmpE Restricted web site yet.



  • Submission deadline postponed to 1 November 2013. Due date for submitting training documents (training booklet hard-copy and online submission, Trainee Evaluation Form and Company Evaluation Form) for Summer internships is postponed to 1 November 2013.



  • Due date for submitting training documents (training booklet hard-copy and online submission, Trainee Evaluation Form and Company Evaluation Form) for Summer internships is 23 October 2013.



  • Winter 2013 training results are announced at New CmpE Restricted Web site. To see the evaluation results click "View Info" link on the menu and then on the student info page click "View Details" icon next to the trining record.



  • Presentation on summer training rules and regulations. Attendance is highly recommended for all students who will be working as trainees this summer for the first time. 
  • Time: 2 May 2013, Thursday - 15:00 
  • Room: ETA A4



  • Deadline for submitting training documents of Winter 2013 internships is 8 March 2013.





  • Summer 2012 training evaluations are announced here. Contact training assistant if you haven't received an email which contains your account information.



  • Winter break training evaluations are announced here.



  • Winter break training evaluations are announced here. Complete missing paperwork or submissions by 04.05.2012. Otherwise your training will not be accepted.



  • Alper Şen will give a presentation for 2nd year students on training procedures. Attendance is highly recommended for all students who will be working as trainees this summer for the first time. 
  • Time: 13 April 2012 13:00-14:00 
  • Place: ETA B4



  • Students who have worked as a trainee during winter break: Please check this file too see the status of the documents that you have submitted.
  • For submitted documents, "OK" in a cell indicates that everything is in order for the document in that column. If a problem is stated, (no stamp, no signature of the employer, form not sealed in an enveloper etc.) then you have to resubmit the document that meets the requirements.

Contact us

Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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