In-Service Training Program Overview

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Please refer to the new system:

For further reference:

  • FAQ link answers most if not all your questions. Make sure to read before you ask your question. Otherwise no answer.

Rules and Important Explanations

How long?

  • Industrial training is made in at least two parts in different firms or institutions, each of them with at least 15 working days and at most 45 working days of duration
  • Each training should be at a different company. You can not work for a company more than once. (Even if total number of training days does not exceed 45)
  • A total of 60 days of training is required to graduate.

What are the periods allowed for training?

  • Summer and winter breaks.
  • You are not allowed to work in the fall and spring semesters and corresponding final periods.
  • Erasmus or exchange outgoing students don’t have to wait for the end of the semester here. They can start their training from the next day of their return date.
  • You can work as a trainee on weekdays and Saturdays, but not on Sundays.
  • You cannot work on religious and national holidays

Can I work as a trainee in the Summer School period?

  • Students taking only one course from Summer School can work 4 weekdays per week + Saturdays.
  • Students taking two courses can work 3 weekdays per week + Saturdays.
  • If you are taking more than two courses then, your training cannot overlap the Summer School period

Training booklet: What are the techniques to fill a training booklet?

  • In the booklet, you are required to write a general report, explaining the work you have done during your training.
  • The report should be written in English.
  • The report must be a maximum of 20 pages minimum 10 pages (appendices not included), written with Times New Roman 12 pt font.
  • Included pictures/charts must be at most as big as half of a page.
  • You should include source codes, sample outputs, screenshots about the work you have done during the internship.
    • Include it as an appendix.
  • The content of the report must not include copy/paste material.

Training Booklet: What are the contents of the general report?

  1. Description of the company/institution (1 PAGE)
  2. Internship activities (MAXIMUM: 16 PAGES MINIMUM: 6 PAGES)
  3. An assessment of the internship (1 PAGE)
  4. Conclusions of the report (MAXIMUM: 2 PAGES MINIMUM: 1 PAGE)
  5. Appendices and supplementary material
  6. References

Training Booklet: What not to do

  • Do NOT write the report in a daily manner like a diary
  • Do NOT use copy-paste material
  • Do NOT explain what you have learned as a manual or tutorial


  • What happens if I cannot hand in until the deadline?
    • The penalty is one day reduction from the training period for each day late.
  • What about the stamps (kaşe) and the approval signatures over the training documents?
    • The weekly programs must be signed and stamped
    • Each page of the report must be signed and stamped.
    • The Trainee Evaluation Form must also be signed and stamped. It should be in a closed and sealed envelope. The cover of the envelope should also be signed and stamped.

Grading your Training

The main criteria are :

  1. Format and completeness of the training report, This is your chance to practice report writing,
  2. On time submission of ALL FORMS,
  3. Adequacy of the training
    • Your training will not be accepted if you don’t submit the training booklet, the trainee evaluation form or the company evaluation form.
    • Your training may not be accepted or accepted partially (deduction from number of training days ) if your training is not adequate or your training report does not satisfy content or formatting requirements.


General Information

In-Service Training: Objective

Provide the students of the Engineering School with practical, technological, as well as managerial experience through personal contact in engineering and industrial organizations.

What to do during training?

  • The training cannot comprise only of the learning of a system or application!
  • It must also contain the development of a system or application.
  • The applications can be on one of the following topics:
    • System Analysis and Design
    • Software Design and Development
    • Database and Knowledge Base Applications
    • Microprocessor-Based System Design and Applications
    • Computer Network Applications
    • Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing Applications

How can I find a company for training?

  • The requests for trainee from industry are posted on the webpage of the department. Please check this page regularly.
  • Company list of previous trainees on the restricted web page: (Requires login to new CmpE Restricted web site. Contact training assistant if you don't have an account yet.)

  • Go find a company J

Finding a company for training

  • This is your chance to practice job hunting
  • Prepare your CV. If in doubt, consult CV preparation tips on the web example:
    1. -> kariyer
  • Look at the “personnel” or “human resources” web sites of companies; big companies usually have formal procedures for the applications.
  • Apply to many places. (10s or even 100s)
  • Word-of-mouth, know-how-know-who; these are sources of information that should be utilized
  • List of companies that accepted trainees from our department is available at CMPE Intern.

Before Training: Feedback from previous internships

Check the previous years company evaluation results at CMPE Intern.

During Training: What next?

The training itself

  • See yourself as an employee of the company; not as a guest
  • What are the rules of the new environment? Adapt yourself
  • Try to learn as much as you can; be useful
  • Imagine yourself after graduation: Would you like to work in this company? What is required to be successful? What else do you need to learn? Is this where you want to be?

Why so many forms?

  • Acceptance and Completion forms are new procedures; they are required because the school is starting social security (ssk) for you.
  • In return, you may get a letter certifying that you have had social security started.

Bize Ulaşın

Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi,
34342 Bebek, İstanbul, Türkiye

  • Telefon: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Faks: +90 212 2872461

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