Yayınlar (MEDIALAB)

Journal Papers


Edited Books

  • Salah, A.A., B.J. Kröse, D.J. Cook, "Human Behavior Understanding," Proceedings Sixth Int. Workshop, HBU 2015, Osaka, Japan, September 8, 2015, LNCS 9277, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • Salah, A.A., Y. Tonta, A.A. Akdag Salah, C. Sugimoto, U. Al (Eds.), Proceedings of ISSI 2015 Istanbul: 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 29 June to 3 July, 2015, Boğaziçi University Printhouse.
  • Salah, A.A., J.F. Cohn, B. Schuller, O. Aran, L.-P. Morency, P.R. Cohen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, November 12-16, 2014, ACM.
  • Park, H.S., A.A. Salah, Y.J. Lee, L.-P. Morency, Y. Sheikh, R. Cucchiara, "Human Behavior Understanding," Proceedings Fifth Int. Workshop, HBU 2014, Zürich, Switzerland, September 12, 2014, LNCS 8749, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • Salah, A.A., H. Hung, O. Aran, H. Gunes, "Human Behavior Understanding," Proceedings Fourth Int. Workshop, HBU 2013, Barcelona, Spain, October 22, 2013, LNCS 8212, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
  • Augusto, J.C., R. Wichert, R. Collier, D. Keyson, A.A. Salah, A.-H. Tan, "Ambient Intelligence," Proceedings Fourth Int. Joint Conference, AmI 2013, Dublin, December 3-5, 2013, LNCS 8309, Springer Verlag.
  • Salah, A.A., J. Ruiz-del-Solar, C. Mericli, P.-Y. Oudeyer, "Human Behavior Understanding," Proceedings Third Int. Workshop, HBU 2012, Algarve, Portugal, October 7, 2012, LNCS 7559, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Salah, A.A., B. Lepri, "Human Behavior Understanding," Proceedings Second Int. Workshop, HBU 2011, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 16, 2011, LNCS 7065, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Salah, A.A., Th. Gevers, Computer Analysis of Human Behavior, Springer Verlag, 2011.
  • Salah, A.A., Th. Gevers, Proceedings of the eNTERFACE'10 Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interfaces, University of Amsterdam, 2010.
  • Salah, A.A., Th. Gevers, N. Sebe, A. Vinciarelli, "Human Behavior Understanding," Proceedings First Int. Workshop, HBU 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, August 22, 2010, LNCS 6219, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.

Book Chapters

International Conference and Workshop Papers

  • Gürpınar, F., H. Kaya, S. Afshar, H. Dibeklioğlu, A.A. Salah, “Kernel ELM based age estimation,” Int. Conf. on Computer Graphics, Animation and Gaming Technologies (Eurasia Graphics), Istanbul, November 2015.
  • Kaya, H., F. Gürpınar, S. Afshar, A.A. Salah, "Contrasting and Combining Least Squares Based Learners for Emotion Recognition in the Wild," ICMI, Seattle, November 2015.
  • Aydın Oktay, E., K. Balcı, A.A. Salah, "Automatic assessment of dimensional affective content in Turkish multi-party chat messages," Int. Workshop on Emotion Representations and Modelling for Companion Systems (ERM4CT), Seattle, November 2015.
  • Lyakso, E., O. Frolova, E. Dmitrieva, A. Grigorev, H. Kaya, A. Salah, A. Karpov. EmoChildRu: Emotional Child Russian Speech Corpus. In Proc. International Conference on Speech and Computer SPECOM-2015, Athens, Greece, Springer LNAI 9319, pp. 134-141, 2015.
  • Kaya, H., A. Karpov, A.A. Salah, "Fisher Vectors with Cascaded Normalization for Paralinguistic Analysis," INTERSPEECH, Dresden, 2015. (Winner of the Computational Paralinguistics Challenge - Eating Condition Subchallenge)
  • Gündoğdu, D., Ö.D. Incel, A.A. Salah, B. Lepri, "Social event detection in aggregated mobile phone data using Markov modulated Poisson process," Int. Conf. on Computational Social Science, Helsinki, June 8-11, 2015.
  • Sartori, A., B. Şenyazar, A.A. Akdag Salah, N. Sebe, A.A. Salah, "Emotions in Abstract Art: Does Texture Matter?," 18th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP), Genova, September 7-11, 2015.
  • Sartori, A., Y. Yan, G. Ozbal, A.A. Akdag Salah, A.A. Salah, N. Sebe, "Looking at Mondrian's Victory Boogie-Woogie: What do I feel?," in Q. Yang, M. Wooldridge (eds.) Proc. of the 24th Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), pp. 2503-2509, AAAI Press, Buenos Aires, July 25-31, 2015.
  • Kaya, H., A.A. Salah, "Combining Modality-Specific Extreme Learning Machines for Emotion Recognition in the Wild," 16th ACM ICMI, pp 487-493, 2014.
  • Salah, A.A., "Natural Multimodal Interaction with a Social Robot: What are the Premises?," Proc. of the 2014 Workshop on Roadmapping the Future of Multimodal Interaction Research including Business Opportunities and Challenges, Istanbul, November 2014.
  • Kaya, H., A.A. Salah, "Eyes Whisper Depression: A CCA Based Multimodal Approach," ACM Multimedia, Orlando, November 3-7, 2014.
  • Kaya, H., F. Çilli, A.A. Salah, "Ensemble CCA for Continuous Emotion Prediction," The 4th Int. Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC), Orlando, November 7, 2014.
  • Kaya, H., T. Özkaptan, A.A. Salah, S.F. Gürgen, "Canonical Correlation Analysis and Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis based Multi-View Acoustic Feature Reduction for Physical Load Prediction," INTERSPEECH, Singapore, September 14-18, 2014. (Winner of the Computational Paralinguistics Challenge - Physical Load Subchallenge)
  • Demiröz, B.E., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, "Coupling Fall Detection and Tracking in Omnidirectional Cameras," 5th Int. Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU@ECCV), Zürich, September 12, 2014
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., T. Gevers, M. Lucassen, A.A. Salah, "The Role of Color and Contrast in Facial Age Estimation," 5th Int. Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU@ECCV), Zürich, September 12, 2014
  • Güneysu, A., D. Siyli, A.A. Salah, " Auto-Evaluation of Motion Imitation in a Child-Robot Imitation Game for Upper Arm Rehabilitation," IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Edinburgh, August 25-29, 2014.
  • Kocberber, C., A.A. Salah, "Video Retargeting: Video Saliency and Optical Flow Based Hybrid Approach," 3rd Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing (at AAAI), Quebec City, July 27, 2014.
  • Kaya, H., F. Eyben, A.A. Salah, B.W. Schuller, "CCA Based Feature Selection with Application to Continuous Depression Recognition from Acoustic Speech Features," Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, 4-9 May, 2014.
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., A.A. Salah, Th. Gevers, "Like Father, Like Son: Facial Expression Dynamics for Kinship Verification," Int. Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV), Sydney, 3-6 December 2013.
  • Derman, E., Y.K. Gecici, A.A. Salah, "Short Term Face Recognition for Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Users," Int. Conf. on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO), Ankara, 2013.
  • Görer, B., A.A. Salah, L. Akın, "A Robotic Fitness Coach for The Elderly", Int. Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Dublin, 2013.
  • Kaya, H., A.M. Erçetin, A.A. Salah, S. F. Gürgen, "Random Forests for Laughter Detection", 1st Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals, Grenoble, 22-23 August 2013.
  • Işıkdoğan, F., A.A. Salah, "Affine invariant salient patch descriptors for image retrieval," International Workshop on Image and Audio Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIA2MIS), Paris, July 2013.
  • Balci, K., A.A. Salah, "Player profiling and offender classification from player complaints in online social games", Workshop on Design and Evaluation of Sociability in Online Games at CHI, Paris, 2013.
  • Akdag Salah, A.A., A. Scharnhorst, O. ten Bosch, P. Doorn, L. Manovich, A.A. Salah and J. Chow, "Significance of Visual Interfaces in Institutional and User-Generated Databases with Category Structures," 5th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2012), Nara, 2012
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., Th. Gevers, A.A. Salah, R. Valenti, "A smile can reveal your age: Enabling facial dynamics in age estimation," ACM Multimedia, Nara, 2012.
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., A.A. Salah, Th. Gevers, "Are You Really Smiling at Me? Spontaneous versus Posed Enjoyment Smiles," in A. Fitzgibbon et al. (Eds.): ECCV 2012, Part III, LNCS 7574, pp. 526–539, Firenze, 2012.
  • Akdag Salah, A.A., A.A. Salah, J. Douglass, L. Manovich, "Exploring Originality in User-Generated Content with Network and Image Analysis Tools," Digital Humanities, Hamburg, 2012.
  • Tomlinson, B., J. Ross, P. André, E.P.S. Baumer, D.J. Patterson, J. Corneli, M. Mahaux, S. Nobarany, M. Lazzari, P. Penzenstadler, A.W. Torrance, D.J. Callele, G.M. Olson, M.S. Silberman, M. Ständer, F.R. Palamedi, A. Salah, E. Morrill, X. Franch, F. Mueller, J. Kaye, R.W. Black, M.L. Cohn, P.C. Shih, J. Brewer, N. Goyal, P. Näkki, J. Huang, N. Baghaei, and C. Saper. “Massively Distributed Authorship of Academic Papers,” ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) Extended Abstracts (alt.chi), 11-20, 2012.
  • Demiröz, B.E., O. Eroğlu, I. Arı, A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, "Feature based tracking on a multi-omnidirectional camera dataset," 5th International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), Rome, 2012.
  • Salah, A.A., M. Pantic, A. Vinciarelli, "Recent Developments in Social Signal Processing", IEEE Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Anchorage, 2011.
  • Salah, A.A., J. Han, E. Pauwels, P. de Zeeuw, "Multimodal monitoring of cultural heritage sites and the FIRESENSE project," IEEE ISABEL, Barcelona, 2011.
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., R. Valenti, A.A. Salah, Th. Gevers, "Eyes Do Not Lie: Spontaneous vs. Posed Smiles", ACM Multimedia, Firenze, 2010.
  • Yücel, Z., A.A. Salah, Ç. Meriçli, T. Meriçli, "Joint Visual Attention Modeling for Naturally Interacting Robotic Agents," 24th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS'09), Northern Cyprus, 2009.
  • Yücel, Z., A.A. Salah, "Resolution of focus of attention using gaze direction estimation and saliency computation," Int. Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction, Amsterdam, 2009.
  • Salah, A.A., B. Schouten, "Semiosis and the relevance of context for the AmI environment", 9th European Conference on Computing and Philosophy (ECAP'09), Barcelona, 2009.
  • Yücel, Z., A.A. Salah, "Head pose and neural network based gaze direction estimation for joint attention modeling in embodied agents," 31st Annual Conference of Cognitive Science Society (CogSci'09), Amsterdam, 2009.
  • Poh, N., C.H. Chan, J. Kittler, S. Marcel, C. Mc Cool, E. Argones Rua, J.L. Alba Castro, M. Villegas, R. Paredes, V. Struc, N. Pavesic, A.A. Salah, H. Fang, N. Costen, "Face Video Competition," The 3rd IAPR/IEEE Int. Conf. on Biometrics (ICB'09), Alghero, 2009.
  • Ananthakrishnan, G., H. Dibeklioğlu, M. Lojka, A. Lopez, S. Perdikis, U. Saeed, A.A. Salah, D. Tzovaras, A. Vogiannou, "Activity-Related Biometric Authentication," Proc. 4th eNTERFACE Workshop, pp.56-72, Orsay, August 2008.
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, "3D Facial Landmarking under Expression, Pose, and Occlusion Variations," IEEE Second International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS'08), Washington, Sept. 29-Oct.1, 2008.
  • Schouten, B., A.A. Salah, "Empowering the End-user in Biometrics," 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV'08), Hanoi, 17-20 December, 2008.
  • Alyüz, N., B. Gökberk, H. Dibeklioğlu, A. Savran, A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, B. Sankur, "3D Face Recognition Benchmarks on the Bosphorus Database with Focus on Facial Expressions" in Proc. First European Workshop on Biometrics and Identity Management (BIOID'08), Roskilde, 7-9 May, 2008.
  • Tavenard, R., A.A. Salah, E.J. Pauwels, "Searching for Temporal Patterns in AmI Sensor Data," in M. Muhlhauser, A. Ferscha, E. Aitenbichler (eds.), "Constructing Ambient Intelligence: AmI-07 Workshops Proceedings", LNCS, Darmstadt, Germany, 7-10 November, 2007.
  • Pauwels, E., A.A. Salah, R. Tavenard, "Sensor Networks for Ambient Intelligence," Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Crete, October 2007.
  • Bicego, M., A.A. Salah, E. Grosso, M. Tistarelli, L. Akarun,"Generalization in Holistic versus Analytic Processing of Faces," 14th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing, Modena, Italy, 10-14 September, 2007.
  • Morros, R., A.A. Salah, B. Schouten, C.S. Perales, J.L. Serrano, O. Ambekar, C. Kayalar, C. Keskin, L. Akarun, "Event recognition for meaningful human-computer interaction in a smart environment," Proc. 3rd eNTERFACE Workshop, pp. 71-86, Istanbul, August 2007.
  • Salah, A.A., N. Alyüz, L. Akarun, "Alternative face models for 3D face registration," in SPIE Conf. on Electronic Imaging, Vision Geometry, San Jose, January 2007.
  • Salah, A.A., M. Bicego, L. Akarun, E. Grosso, M. Tistarelli, "Hidden Markov Model-based face recognition using selective attention," in SPIE Conf. on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Jose, January 2007.
  • Salah, A.A., L. Akarun, "3D Facial Feature Localization for Registration," International Workshop on Multimedia Content Representation, Classification and Security (MRCS), September 2006.
  • Salah, A.A., B. Gökberk, L. Akarun, J.R. Tena, M. Hamouz, J. Kittler, M. Bicego, E. Grosso, M. Tistarelli, "3D face verification using shape and texture/3D face registration and landmark localization," Biosecure Workshop, Vigo, September 2006.
  • Salah, A.A., L. Akarun, "Factor Analysis Based Robust 3D Facial Landmarking", 3. Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication: New Sensors, Evaluation and Database Collection, Alghero, June 2006.
  • Çınar Akakin, H., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, B. Sankur, "2D/3D facial feature extraction", in Proc. SPIE Conf. on Electronic Imaging, San Jose, 2006.
  • Akarun, L., B. Gökberk, A.A. Salah, "3D Face Recognition for Biometric Applications", in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference, Antalya, 2005.
  • Gökberk, B., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, "Rank-based Decision Fusion for 3D Shape-based Face Recognition," in Takeo Kanade, Anil Jain, Nalini K. Ratha (eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3546/2005 Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication: 5th International Conference, AVBPA 2005.
  • Salah, A.A., E. Alpaydın, "Incremental Mixtures of Factor Analyzers," in Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR04), vol.1, pp.276-279, Cambridge, 2004.
  • Salah, A.A., S. Redman, G. Kovacs, "Clustering under Multiobjective Optimization Constraints with Genetic Algorithms" in Proc. of the Santa Fe Complex Systems Summer School, Santa Fe, NM: SFI, 2002.
  • Labiouse, C., A.A. Salah, I. Starikova, "The Impact of Connectivity on the Memory Capacity and the Retrieval Dynamics of Hopfield-type Networks" in Proc. of the Santa Fe Complex Systems Summer School, Santa Fe, NM: SFI, pp.77-84, 2002.
  • Banerjee, N., Z. Dezso, V. Kolyadin, A. Marhan, A.A. Salah, "Lunch Network: A Glimpse of Social Dynamics of SFI Students" in Proc. of the Santa Fe Complex Systems Summer School, Santa Fe, NM: SFI, 2002.
  • Salah, A.A., E. Alpaydın, L. Akarun, "A Selective Attention Based Method for Visual Pattern Recognition," in Moore, J.D., and Stenning, K. (eds.) Proc. 23rd Annual Conference of Cognitive Science Society, pp. 881-886, Edinburgh, August 2001.
  • Salah, A.A., E. Alpaydın, L. Akarun, "A Selective Attention Based Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits," Proceedings of the First IEEE Balkan Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, Circuits and Systems, 2000.

Other Publications

  • Kadron, İ.B., Sofuoğlu, Ç., A.A. Salah, “Automatic Tracking of Rat Behaviour Using RGB-D Camera,” Akademik Bilişim, Eskişehir, 2015.
  • Kaya, H., A.A. Salah, S.F. Gürgen, H. Ekenel, “Protocol and Baseline for Experiments on Bogazici University Turkish Emotional Speech Corpus,” IEEE SIU, Trabzon, 2014.
  • Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, T. Gevers, “Kinship Verification using Facial Dynamics,” IEEE SIU, Trabzon, 2014.
  • Demiröz, B.E., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, “Multiple Person Tracking Using Omnidirectional Cameras,”IEEE SIU, Trabzon, 2014.
  • Görer, B., A.A. Salah, L. Akin, “Gesture imitation for a robotic fitness coach,” IEEE SIU, Girne, 2013.
  • Dibeklioglu, H., A.A. Salah, T. Gevers, “Age Estimation Using Facial Expression Dynamics,” IEEE SIU, Girne, 2013.
  • Demiröz, B.E., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, “Fall Detection Using Multi-Omnidirectional Cameras,” IEEE SIU, Girne, 2013.
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., A.A. Salah, T. Gevers, "User Adaptation Based on Facial Expression and Motion for an Interactive Artifact," IEEE SIU 2012, Fethiye, 2012.
  • Demiröz, B.E., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, "Multi-Omnidirectional Cameras for Ambient Intelligence," IEEE SIU 2012, Fethiye, 2012.
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., R. Valenti, A.A. Salah, Th. Gevers, "Classification of Spontaneous and Posed Smiles," IEEE SIU 2011, Antalya, 2011.
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., A.A. Salah, T. Gevers, "Automatic Landmarking and Alignment for Facial Expression Analysis," IEEE SIU 2010, Diyarbakir, 2010.
  • Yücel, Z., A.A. Salah, Ç. Meriçli, T. Meriçli, "Derivation of Gaze Direction from Head Pose Estimates," IEEE SIU 2010, Diyarbakir, 2010.
  • Alyüz, N., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, "3D Face Registration: Using Multiple Average Models," Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009.
  • Dibeklioğlu, H., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, "Expression, Pose and Occlusion Resistant 3D Facial Landmarking," IEEE SIU 2009, Antalya, 2009. (Recipient of Alper Atalay 2nd best student paper award)
  • Salah, A.A., "Face Authentication for an Activity-Related Biometrics System," IEEE SIU 2009 Antalya, 2009.
  • Pauwels, E., A.A. Salah, P. de Zeeuw, "Tackling the Semantic Gap in Sensor Networks, "ERCIM News, Number 76, January 2009.
  • Salah, A.A., "A Needle in the Brain," ERCIM News, Number 73, April 2008.
  • Salah, A.A., E.J. Pauwels, "Prediction and Voronoi graph construction with a dense network of simple sensors", IEEE SIU 2008, 20-22 April 2008, Didim, Turkey.
  • Salah, A.A., A.P. Saygın, "Retinotopy and Selective Visual Attention in Humans and Computers", IEEE SIU 2008, 20-22 April 2008, Didim, Turkey.
  • Salah, A.A., "Algısal Tümleştirme", Dördüncü Bilgi Işleyen Makina Olarak Beyin Sempozyumu, 4-5 Nisan 2008, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Salah, A.A., "Perceptual Information Fusion in Humans and Machines," Cognitive Neuroscience Forum, vol.2, 2007.
  • Alyüz, N., Salah, A.A., L. Akarun, "Alternative average face models for 3D face registration," IEEE SIU 2007, 11-13 June, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Salah, A.A., "Insan ve Bilgisayarda Yüz Tanıma," Uluslararası Kognitif Nörobilim Sempozyumu, Mayıs 2006, Marmaris, Turkey.
  • Salah, A.A., L. Akarun, "Gabor Factor Analysis for 2D+3D Facial Landmark Localization," IEEE SIU 2006, 17-19 Nisan 2006, Antalya, Turkey.
  • Salah, A.A., B. Gökberk, L. Akarun, "3D Face Recognition", Proceedings of the Fifth GAP Engineering Congress, 26-28 April 2006, Şanlıurfa, Turkey.
  • Salah, A.A., "Insan ve Bilgisayarda Yüz Tanıma", Üçüncü Bilgi Işleyen Makina Olarak Beyin Sempozyumu, 24 Aralık 2005, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Gökberk, B., A.A. Salah, L. Akarun, "Üç Boyutlu Şekil Bilgisiyle Yüz Tanımada Sıralamaya Dayalı Karar Birleştirimi", IEEE SIU 2005.
  • Salah, A.A., E. Alpaydın, "Incremental Mixtures of Factor Analyzers," Technical Report, FBE/CMPE-01/2004-7, Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University, 2004. (This is the longer version of the ICPR'04 paper).
  • Salah, A.A., E. Alpaydın, L. Akarun, "Selective Attention Based Pattern Recognition," Technical Report, FBE/CMPE-03/2001-12, Department of Computer Enginnering, Boğaziçi University, 2001.
  • Salah, A.A., A Selective Attention Based Method for Optical Handwritten Digit Recognition (M.S. Thesis - 2000)
  • Salah, A.A., Collective Intelligence, Panel Discussion at the 7th International Istanbul Biennial, September 23, 2001 with Peter Gardenfors, Kazuhiko Hachiya, and Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. (download talk in DOC format/Teknotürk'te çıkan yazı için tıklayın: Istanbul Bienali'nde Bir Panel: Kolektif Zeka)
  • Akın, L., A.A. Salah, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'ndeki Robot Araştırmaları - Geleceğe Giden Yol, Teknotürk.
  • Salah, A.A., E. Alpaydın, L. Akarun, "A Selective Attention Based Recognition Framework with Application to Handwritten Numerals," Proceedings of the Ninth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (TAINN), 2000.
  • Salah, A.A., "An Evolutionary Algorithm Tool in Smalltalk" (B.S. Thesis - 1998)

Bize Ulaşın

Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi,
34342 Bebek, İstanbul, Türkiye

  • Telefon: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Faks: +90 212 2872461

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