CmpE 524 Computer Network Design 2016 Fall


Course Schedule: 

TTT 123 BM A3

Course Program: 

CMPE 524 Computer Network Design  Fall 2016  (A course offered by NETLAB / WISE)

Catalog Data: (3 Credits) Principles of computer networks design, network design algorithms, centralized network design. Application of minimum spanning tree and shortest path algorithms to problems in network design. Static and dynamic routing algorithms. Network reliability analysis. Linear and integer programming techniques. Heuristics, evolutionary algorithms. Distributed network design. Case studies: Sensor network design, Border surveillance network design, Multimedia network design,  Multihop lightwave network design, Cellular network design, Location area design, Satellite network design, Ad hoc network design problems.

- David W. Corne, et al., "Telecommunications Optimization: Heuristic and Adaptive Techniques", Wiley, 2000. ISBN: 0-471-98855-3

- Aaron Kershenbaum, "Telecommunications Network Design Algorithms", Mc Graw Hill, 1993. Paperback copy - ISBN: 0071125183 
- Robert Lloyd-Evans, "Wide Area Network Performance and Optimization", Addison-Wesley, 1996. 

InstructorCem Ersoy, Office: 44, Ext. 6861, E-mail:

Time and Place: Tuesday 9:00-11:50 in Room BM A3

Prerequisites : (CmpE 250 or equivalent) and (CmpE 475 or CmpE 523 or equivalent)


1. Introduction to computer network design
2. Brief review of analysis of loss and delay models 
3. Brief summary of modeling networks as graphs and Fundamental graph algorithms
4. Centralized network design 
5. Internet routing and routing algorithms 
6. Mesh topology optimization 
7. Network reliability 
8. Multimedia network design 
9. Wireless network design 
10. Wireless ad hoc and sensor network design 
11. Case studies on telecommunications optimization: Heuristics, linear and integer programming, evolutionary algorithms, simulated annealing, neural networks.

Project: A programming project on the topological design of data networks. At the end of the project, the problem, the solution technique and results will be presented. Each presentation will last for 20+5 minutes. You are supposed to use a data-projector.

Presentation Dates: 10 Minutes Short: 1st of November 2016, 20 Minutes Long: December 13th, 2016:

Computer Usage
1. Using programming and presentation tools and word processors for completing the programming project 
2. Estimated computer usage: 60 hours/student/semester including editing

Homeworks and Quizzes 15% 
Project (due 16 December 2016) and its presentation 50% (35% + 15% presentation) 
Final (           2016) 35%

Bize Ulaşın

Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi,
34342 Bebek, İstanbul, Türkiye

  • Telefon: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Faks: +90 212 2872461

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