Thesis Proposal
- After passing the Qualifying Exam, the student has to register to his/her advisor's section of CMPE790: PHD THESIS.
- In the first semester, a Thesis Progress Committee (TPC) is formed with three full-time professors*. One of these members should be from another department or university..
- If there is a Co-Advisor, then TPC is formed by four members. Co-advisor does not have the right to vote at any stage of the thesis work.
- If the Co-Advisor is from another department or university, then one of the committee members should also be from another department or university.
- A PhD holder working in a company can also act as a Co-Advisor. This is especially welcome if the thesis is also funded by the company
- In the first semester, the student has to prepare a thesis proposal under the guidance of the thesis advisor. The proposal should be passed to TPC at least 15 days before the defense. The student has to makes an oral presentation the proposal in front of the progress committee in at most six months following the qualifying exam. If the proposal is accepted as the thesis topic, the student gets TP as the CmpE 790 grade (Thesis in Progress). Otherwise, he/she is given an extension of three months to make the necessary changes and defend. If the proposal is not found successful again, then the student has to leave the program.
Thesis Period
- Once the thesis proposal is accepted, the student starts the PhD Thesis. The proposal has to be reported to the Institute.
- The TPC evaluates the thesis progress in at most every six months.
- A written progress report has to be prepared and submitted to the TPC at least one month before the evaluation..
- If the report is found successful, the student gets TP grade.
- If a student takes two successive F's or three interleaved F's, then he/she has to leave the program.
- TPC has to report the progress of the student to the Institute at the end of each progress period.
- CmpE Department advises PhD students to publish at least one paper in each progress period.
Thesis Defense
The student has to complete at least three progress periods before defending the thesis.
A thesis book has to be written under the guidance of the thesis advisor. The thesis book has to be evaluated by the advisor to check ethical and scientific correctness, and completeness of the work. If some parts of the thesis book get published, then it is the student’s responsibility to check the copyright policies of the publisher. This link summarizes policies of renown publishers in early 2021. Complete guideline for the thesis book preparation is here.
Before the defense, the thesis book has to be submitted to the Thesis Defense Jury (TDJ), which is formed of five full-time professors*:
TPC is a subset of TDJ.
TDJ has to contain at least two full-time professors* from another university
Majority of TDJ has to be full-time professors* of Bogazici University
Thesis Defense has to take place within one month after the thesis book is given to TDJ. It has to be properly announced at least fifteen days before the defense. The advisor also has to inform Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering (FBE) about the defense time and place by dropping an e-mail to
Thesis Defense is an oral presentation open to TDJ, other faculty members, students and experts in the field of the thesis work. After the presentation, TDJ asks questions to evaluate the thesis work and the PhD candidate.
After the defense, TDJ can directly accept the thesis or grant at most six months to the candidate so that he/she can complete some additional work asked by the TDJ. If the thesis work is still found unsatisfactory after this period, then the student has to leave the program.
BoUn-CmpE PhD graduation requirements are as follows:
- Two accepted journal papers (indexed by SCIE, SCI, SSCI or AHCI)
- One conference paper, which is published in the proceedings as a full paper
- Service as a teaching assistant (TA) in one of the mandatory CmpE courses. Students who serve as a TA in another university or department are exempt from this requirement. Neglected or abandoned duties double the TA service requirements for graduation
- Department, university or public seminar.
- Special conditions may apply if the students satisfy the specified necessary conditions:
- One accepted journal paper (indexed by SCIE, SCI, SSCI or AHCI) is sufficient for the students who had passed the qualifying exam before Fall 2009 (inclusive).
- No conference paper is required for the students who had started the PhD program before Spring 2017 (inclusive).
- Service as a teaching assistant in one of the CmpE courses is satisfactory for the students who had started the PhD program before Fall 2017 (inclusive).
For all other rules and regulations, please read the Bylaws of Graduate Studies in Bogazici University:
*: A full-time professor is a faculty member with the title of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor.