CmpE 59L Sp.Tp. Real Time Embedded Systems 2020 Spring


Course Schedule: 


Course Program: 

This is an intermediate to advanced level course on embedded systems. It focuses on both inter-devices and intra-device timing requirements. In this course, we will study the following topics:

  1. Introduction:  Embedded Systems. Real-time requirements. Classification of Real-time Embedded Systems. Basic real-time embedded software architectures.

  2. New forms and domains for Embedded Sytems: Smart objects. Internet of “Things”. Cyber-physical Systems. Deep Learning

  3. Time: Modeling of time. Measurement of time. Order. Clocks. Precision. Accuracy. Global time. Local time. Synchronization. Determinism.

  4. Dependability: Faults. Errors. Failures. Anomalies.

  5. Real-time performance analysis: Execution time. Estimation. Measurement.

  6. Real-time Scheduling: Scheduling algorithms. Schedulability tests.

  7. Real-time Distributed System Design Concepts.


* H. Kopetz, Real-time Systems: Design Principles for Distributed Embedded Systems, Second Edition, Springer, 2011. * G. C. Buttazzo, Hard Real-time Computing Systems: Predictable Scheduling Algorithms and Applications, Third Edition, Springer, 2011.



  • HWs and Coding Assignments: 40% (for each submission, late is penalized by 20% per day) Changed to 60%
  • Attendance + Quizzes: 10% (no make up)
  • Midterm: 20%  (March 26) –  Replaced with homeworks
  • Term paper: 30% (for each of the following item, late is penalized by 100% per minute)
    • Term paper topic selection: 10% (due date: Feb 20)
    • Interim report submission: 20% (due date: April 17 @ 23:59) – new date: May 8  
    • Term paper presentation+Q&A: 30% (due date: May 7)  – new date: May 28 
    • Term paper submission: 40% (due date: Final date)

Contact us

Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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