CmpE 58D Sp. Tp. Requirements Engineering 2020 Fall

Course Schedule: 

WWW 123

Course Program: 

Course Description: The course provides students with in-depth knowledge on the field of requirements engineering (RE). The course is inevitably interdisciplinary, for RE is intended to elicit the vague, informal needs from the stakeholders and build a precise, formal specification for a software system to build.


Upon completion of the course, the student:

·      Knows the phases of the RE process and understands their interplay

·      Can chooset he most suitable technique for a given phase depending on the needs

·      I sable to express requirements in different formalisms, ranging from agile to safety-critical systems

·      Can execute automated reasoning techniques for analyzing requirements

·      Can read and comprehend state-of-the-art literatüre in the RE field


Topics to be covered:

  • ·      The RE process and its activities
  • ·      Standards and tools
  • ·      Agile RE, user stories
  • ·      Requirements elicitation
  • ·      Linguistic aspects of natural language requirements
  • ·      From requirements to architectures
  • ·      Requirements prioritization
  • ·      Maturity assessment
  • ·       (Verification of) formal specifications
  • ·      Release planning
  • ·      Requirements traceability
  •      Crowd RE


No mandatory text book is required. Reading material will be shared throughout the course


Evaluation (maybe subject to change)

- Group projects (60% of the final grade): The details will be provided later. There will be multiple projects that will complement each other and a paper presentation on the recent RE research

- Final exam (30%)

- In class participation (10%)

Contact us

Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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