CmpE 49G Sp. Tp. Fundamentals of Particle-based Simulations

Catalog Description: 

Objectives & Description: This course aims to introduce concepts related to mathematical modeling methods and simulation tools for a wide range of natural phenomena that are related to interactions of particles/entities. Different approaches that will be presented here can be applied to wide range of topics such as diffusion, particle physics, population evolution.... The assignments of this course will be made as practical as possible in order to allow you to create short programs from scratch that will solve simple problems

Introduction to statistical distributions, random variables, expectation, and variance. Random number generation techniques and  Introduction to Monte Carlo simulation method. Random walk. Introduction to vectors and vector fields. Case study-I: Monte Carlo simulations of Particle-based diffusion systems. Dynamic systems model of enzyme reactions. Introduction to Voxel-based simulations and cellular automata model. Lattice Boltzmann model of fluid flow. Case study-II: Monte Carlo simulations of High Energy Physics (electron-photon transport).

(TR) İstatistiksel dağılımlara giriş, rassal değişkenler, beklenen değer (ortalama değer) ve varyans. Rasgele sayı üretme teknikleri ve Monte Carlo simülasyon yöntemine giriş. Seçkisiz (rastgele) yürüyüş. Vektörlere ve vektör alanlarına giriş. Vaka çalışması-I: Parçacık bazlı difüzyon sistemlerinin Monte Carlo simülasyonları. Enzim reaksiyonlarının dinamik sistem modeli. Voksel tabanlı simülasyonlara giriş ve hücresel otomata modeli. Örgü (lattice) Boltzmann sıvı akış modeli. Vaka çalışması-II: Yüksek Enerji Fiziğinin Monte Carlo simülasyonları (elektron-foton taşınımı). 


(3+0+0) 3 ECTS 6
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Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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