Course Program:
Students from departments other than Computer Engineering (CMPE) must enroll in either of the sections 01, 02, 03, 04, or 07. Sections for CMPE students are 05 and 06.
TT78 lectures will be held in BM A4 (Computer Engineering Department Building LAB A4) not in NH202 or NH203, you will need the computers in the LAB.
The students are expected to study the course content before each class.
Attendance to TT78 is not compulsory, however you must be present during the LAB/PS hours in order to participate in workshops and quizzes.
LAB/PS schedule:
Cmpe150.01: Wed 678
Cmpe150.02: Thu 678
Cmpe150.03: Wed 234
Cmpe150.04: Wed 345
Cmpe150.07: Thu 345
Preliminary course content is as follows:
Introduction to Computing
Introduction to Python
Turtle Graphics
Basic Mathematical Expressions
Text IO
File Operations
Drawing with Input
if elif else
Recursive Functions
Repeating Instructions
for Loops in Detail
Printing Console Shapes with for Loops
Random Numbers and Tuples
Container Data Structures
Conditional Loop
Animating Shapes
Interactive Programming
You should complete at least 45% of the course work for a DD and you can do much better if you keep up with the course.
You need least 90% to receive an AA, which can easily be achieved by regular practice and study.
Additional Material:
Please contact for your inquiries.
Your email address stored in the registration system is your official contact address.
We are going to use PyCharm and Teaching.Codes.
Link for the installation manual is available at