Deep-sea mining is a mineral retrieval process that takes place on the ocean floor. In this project, you will be developing a turn-based game for deep-sea mining.
Large amounts of user feedback is collected from various channels such as social media and app store reviews. It is difficult to analyze this amount of feedback manually.
The goal of this project is to cluster user feedback with their sentiments and common themes and messages using natural language processing and machine learning techniques.
Domain information and software requirements are mainly collected and documented as natural language text. As the documents get longer, it is difficult for humans to get the bird’s eye view on the information presented. Models are abstractions of such information, focusing only on the necessary and relevant pieces of information.
However, building models requires times and effort. Automated model extraction from natural language text helps organizations to save time and effort and reduce their costs.
Our aim is to be able to visualize goal models automatically from JSON data in an interactive and editable manner with user-friendly and an aesthetic interface.