Calculus by Suer and Demir

Calculus by Suer & Demir was used when I was undergrad in METU. Later METU have stopped using it. Probably it is out of print now. I feel that it was a good book. I started this project to get it in LateX. Since we lost both Bedri Suer and Huseyin Demir, I got the permission from the families to start this project. I hope at the end, there will be a free book and Calculus by Suer&Demir will survive in this site. For further info visit Calculus by Suer and Demir .

During 1980's  there was an affort to come up with textbooks by METU faculty. Calculus by Suer and Demir was the textbook of Calculus courses, namely MATH151 and MATH 152 at METU. I was one of them who learn Calculus with this book. Later I had many other Calculus books but I always rememeber this one which is out of print by now, yet I still feel that it is  a good one that we should preserve.

I knew both Bedri Suer and Huseyin Demir personally. Unfortunutaly we lost them. I wanted to keep their work live. So I decided to lounch a project to convert this textbook into an electronic format.I asked permission from Buket Suer, dauther of Bedri Suer. She got in touch with the family of Huseyin Demir. Both parties agree with this project. So we started. My goal is to have an electronic book freely available on the Internet.

This project is a crowd sourcing project of cmpe220 students. One of the objectives of cmpe220 is to be able to write math properly. Within this context, we teach LaTeX and give homeworks. Since 2006, each students is assigned some pages of the book and asked to convert them into LaTeX. Then assistants integrate the individual pages into a book. This is an effort of converting some 1000 pages of printed pages into LaTeX. Depending on the number of students in the class, our speed varies. Probably we will have couple of more years to go.

Please find  the books below. Scanned copies are available right now. Books are in pdf format and their LaTeX sources are also available as they get ready.

For the LaTeX source you will need HBSuerDemir.sty, too. Here is the template for your homeworks:, and here is a sample LaTeX project:

Furthermore, here is a sample chapter that we gathered from the submitted homeworks from the previous years:


  1. Make sure that you have Moodle account and you have access to cmpe220 in Moodle.
  2. Download the scanned book that contains the pages assigned to you.
  3. Download the template ( that you are going to write your LaTeX code and submit via Moodle.
  4. Download “user manual for the LaTeX homeowrk ( Read carefully.
  5. If you need to see some hints of how to LaTeX a page, check the example of Chapter 1 of book 1 part 1 (PDF iconb1p1c1-functionlimitcontinuity.pdf).

Haluk O. Bingol

Contact us

Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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