CmpE 58D Sp. Tp. Requirements Engineering 2019 Fall

Course Schedule: 

WWW 123 BM A5

Course Program: 

The course provides students with in-depth knowledge on the field of requirements engineering (RE). The course is inevitably interdisciplinary, for RE is intended to elicit the vague, informal needs from the stakeholders and build a precise, formal specification for a software system to build.

Upon completion of the course, the student:

  • Knows the phases of the RE process and understands their interplay

  • Can chooset he most suitable technique for a given phase depending on the needs

  • I sable to express requirements in different formalisms, ranging from agile to safety-

    critical systems

  • Can execute automated reasoning techniques for analyzing requirements

  • Can read and comprehend state-of-the-art literature in the RE field


There is no mandatory textbook for the course. The instructor will provide reading material for the course each week.


(subject to change):

  • Individual Work

    • MidtermExam(30%)

    • Final Exam (%35)

  • Group Work

    • Project(detailslater) (%25)

    • Presentation(%10)


  • The midterm and final examination will be “closed books and notes”.

  • You can follow the announcements about the course from Moodle.

  • Attendance to group presentations, submitting to project, taking the final and the midterm exams are obligatory. If you fail to do so you will fail the course even if you receive sufficient grade.

  • Attendance for lectures is not obligatory. But you are responsible from lectures’ contents.

Contact us

Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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