Automatic Logo Detection

Automatic Logo Detection

Automated localization of logos and handwritten signatures in scanned document is a promising facility for many business activities. We describe here a discriminative framework for detecting logos and signatures from a document of any type. The method is based on the classification of segmented image regions using a set of features. The segmentation is done for both known logo and signature regions, and non-logo & non-signature regions, and feature sets are extracted for both positive (containing logo or signature) and negative segments. Afterwards, we classify positively detected regions as either logo or signature using the same feature sets, which is implemented as cascade classification. We evaluate combined effects of several feature representation schemes in detecting only logos in the document, and  detecting logos and signature simultaneously; then distinguishing logos from signatures using a Support Vector Machine classifier.

Project Poster: 

Project Members: 

Basak Tugce Eskili
Behiye Avcı

Project Advisor: 

Albert Ali Salah

Project Status: 

Project Year: 

  • Fall

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Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

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