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Audit Benefits (print ref: Part 1, Section 6)

The previous sections have shown that organisations that adopt data protection auditing as a management tool can expect to achieve a number of benefits.

Basic Benefits from Auditing (print ref: Part 1, Section 6.1)

The basic benefits that should be achieved by organisations implementing data protection audits include:

  • Facilitates compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
  • Measures and helps improve compliance with the organisation's data protection system.
  • Increases the level of data protection awareness among management and staff.
  • Provides information for data protection system review.
  • Improves customer satisfaction by reducing the likelihood of errors leading to a complaint.

Additional Benefits from the Information Commissioner's Methodology (print ref: Part 1, Section 6.2)

Furthermore, by adopting the audit methodology described in this guide, organisations can expect to achieve additional benefits, including the ability to:

  • Use an existing "model of audit best practice" rather than having to re-invent the wheel.
  • Use the same methodology as that used by the Commissioner.
  • Quickly establish an internal audit programme by adopting and adapting the audit pro formas and checklists that the Commissioner has put into the public domain.

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