Pre-Audit Questionnaire (print ref: Part 3, Section 1.4)
Auditors should try and find out as much background information as possible about the organisation before conducting a Preparatory Meeting/Visit of the type outlined in section 1.5. To achieve this, it is recommended that a Questionnaire be sent to the organisation who is requested to complete it and return it to the Auditor prior to the visit. This Questionnaire should elicit basic name and address type information as well as allow the organisation to describe the scope of its data protection activities in simple terms. The Pre-Audit Questionnaire of Annex C.2 has been designed with these objectives in mind.
Where Auditors are dealing with large organisations they may find it necessary to complete one Questionnaire for each department or area. It is also a very good idea to ask for an organisational chart or "organogram" at this stage as it may clarify the structures described in the Questionnaire.