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SpacerPlanning | Preparation: Conducting the Adequacy Audit | Preparation: Compliance Audit | Conducting the Compliance Audit | Audit Execution | Reporting | Audit follow-up

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Methodology (print ref: Part 3, Section 5.3)

The choice of methodology for the Follow-up Audit will very much depend upon the scope as described in Section 5.1. If the Follow-up involves checking only documentation then an Adequacy Audit of Section 2.1 would be sufficient. If a site visit is involved because of the seriousness of the Non-compliances, then the Auditor(s) may choose any or all of the Compliance Audit techniques dealt with in Section 3.3, i.e.:

  • System or Vertical Audit
  • Process or Horizontal Audit
  • Staff Awareness Interviews.
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Audit Follow-up

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