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Opening Meeting Agenda (print ref: Part 5, Annex D, Section D.2)

The purpose of the opening meeting is for the auditor(s) to meet the organisation's senior staff involved in Data Protection and confirm the details of the Compliance Audit as originally discussed at the Preparatory Meeting. It is recommended that the following outline agenda is used for conducting this meeting:


Scope of the Audit

  • Confirm which departments and/or functions will be involved in the Audit
  • Confirm which members of staff within the organisation will be involved in the Audit and any associated Data Protection Awareness Interviews and/or Focus Groups.

Audit Protocol

  • Confirm the schedule for the auditor(s) visiting the departments/functions and which members of staff will be involved at each stage, i.e. supply a copy of the Audit Plan.
  • Confirm the time and location of the Closing Meeting and establish who will be present.
  • Confirm the format of written/oral feedback that will be presented at the Closing Meeting, i.e. Compliance Audit Report with associated Non-compliance Reports.
  • Discuss the arrangements for any potential follow-up audits/visits to confirm that any required corrective action has been taken.

Practical Arrangements

  • Confirm the availability of a base room for the Auditor(s).
  • Check on the facilities available in the base room.

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