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Note Taking (print ref: Part 4, Section 5.2)

It will nearly always be necessary to record certain key points during an interview or focus group, however, it is important not to make copious notes at the time as this will tend to inhibit the flow of the interview and make the member of staff more anxious. Detailed notes should be produced immediately after the discussions while the points are still fresh in the Auditor's mind, and the special forms of Annex D.4 have been designed for this purpose. Of course, if there are two Auditors available to conduct a focus group then one can take notes while the other leads the discussions.

As far as making notes on checklists during the audit, these will have to be done at the time to ensure that all the details are recorded accurately. There is further guidance provided on this aspect of note taking in section 3.3.1 b) of Part 3.

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Practical Considerations

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