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Özyeğin University

CS103 Computer Programming for Engineers (Fall '19, Fall'21)
CS410 Formal Languages and Automata Theory (Fall'19, Fall'21)
CS480/CS580 Quantum Computing (Spring' 20)
CS333 Algorithm Analysis (Spring'20)
CS101 Introduction to Programming (Spring'20)

Boğaziçi University

Cmpe 350 Formal Languages and Automata Theory (Summer' 19)

Assisted Courses at Boğaziçi University

Cmpe 150 Introduction to Computing (Java) (Fall '14, Fall '15, Fall '16)
Cmpe 150 Introduction to Computing (C) (Fall '18)
Cmpe 220 Discrete Computational Structures (Fall '18)
Cmpe 300 Algorithm Analysis (Fall '15, Spring '16)
Cmpe 350 Formal Languages and Automata Theory (Summer '14, Spring '15, Spring '16, Spring '17, Spring '18,
Spring '19)
Math 102 Calculus II (Fall '11)
Math 162 Discrete Mathematics (Spring '12, Spring '13, Spring '14)
Math 201 Matrix Theory (Fall '12)
Math 343 Probability Theory (Fall '13)
Math 344 Statistics (Summer '12)


QTurkey and QWorld
Instructor for QBronze and QSilver workshops (July 2019 - )

Nesin Maths Village
Biçimsel Diller ve Otomatlar (8-14 August 2016)

Stanford-Boğaziçi Summer School
Intro to Computer Science (Summer '15)