26 Sheep and 10 Goats Question and Chatgpt

Today I saw a video on Youtube about this question:

If a ship had 26 sheep and 10 goats onboard, how old is the ship's captain?

I won’t go into the story of the question. I was able to think about the “right” answer. One needs to think outside the given format of the question. When you treat as a real problem, you can get the answer.

More interestingly, I was curious about how would ChatGPT would answer the question:

OG: If a ship had 26 sheep and 10 goats onboard, how old is the ship's captain?

ChatGPT: The age of the ship's captain cannot be determined from the information given.

OG: I know it cannot be determined exactly, but can you offer me a range?

ChatGPT: No, the number of animals onboard a ship does not provide any information on the age of the ship's captain. There is no way to infer or estimate the age of the captain from this information.

OG: Can the captain be -1 years old?

ChatGPT: No, it is not possible for a person to have a negative age. Age is a measure of the amount of time that has passed since an individual was born, and therefore it is always a positive number.

OG: Can the captain be 1000 years old? What is the average maximum age of a human being?

ChatGPT: It is not possible for a human being to live for 1000 years. The current record for the longest lifespan for a human being is 122 years and 164 days, held by Jeanne Calment. The average maximum lifespan for a human being varies depending on a number of factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and access to medical care, but the average lifespan worldwide is around 72 years.

OG: So having learned these, can you now give me a range?

ChatGPT: The age of the ship's captain can range anywhere from 0 to the current maximum human lifespan, which as of my knowledge cut-off is 122 years. However, it is important to note that the information available does not allow us to make a more specific estimate.

OG: So one more question: what does one need to be a captain?

ChatGPT: To be a ship's captain, one typically needs:

- Maritime education and training, usually including a degree from a maritime academy or completion of a maritime training program.
- A maritime license or certificate of competency from the country in which the ship is registered, which can usually be obtained by passing written and practical exams.
- Significant sea-going experience as a deck officer or navigational watch officer, often obtained by working on ships as a crew member.
- Demonstrated leadership, management, and communication skills, as the captain is responsible for the safety and well-being of the ship and its crew.

Requirements may vary depending on the country and type of ship, but these are generally the basic steps to become a ship's captain.

OG: So how much time do these requirements take to obtain on average?

ChatGPT: The amount of time it takes to obtain the requirements to become a ship's captain varies depending on the individual and the specific requirements in their country. Here is a general estimate:

Maritime education and training: This can take anywhere from 2 to 4 years, depending on the program and the level of education desired.

Maritime license or certificate of competency: The time it takes to obtain this can vary widely, depending on the country and the amount of sea-going experience the individual has. On average, it can take several years of sea-going experience as a deck officer or navigational watch officer before a person is eligible to apply for a license.

Sea-going experience: This can take several years to several decades, depending on the individual's career path and the opportunities available to them.

Demonstrated leadership and management skills: These skills can be developed over time through experience and training, but the amount of time it takes can vary widely depending on the individual.

Overall, becoming a ship's captain typically takes several years of education, training, and sea-going experience. However, the exact amount of time can vary widely depending on the individual and the specific requirements in their country.

OG: So can a ship captain be 3 years old?

ChatGPT: No, it is not possible for a person to be a ship's captain at the age of three. To become a ship's captain, one typically needs significant education, training, sea-going experience, and demonstrated leadership and management skills, which can only be acquired over many years. Children are generally not able to meet these requirements, as they are not old enough to have completed the necessary education and training, or to have obtained the necessary sea-going experience. Additionally, even if a three-year-old were able to meet all of the other requirements, they would not be legally allowed to work as a ship's captain, as they would be below the minimum age for employment.

OG: So having learned these, can you estimate the range for the captain's age again?

ChatGPT: The age of the ship's captain can range anywhere from the legal minimum working age, which varies depending on the country, to the current maximum human lifespan, which as of my knowledge cut-off is 122 years. However, it is important to note that the information available does not allow us to make a more specific estimate.

It seems like ChatGPT knows a lot but not trying hard. Obviously this needs more thinking.

Onur Güngör
Onur Güngör
Part-time faculty at Bogazici University & Data Science Manager at Udemy

Data science manager leading a team that aims to understand the course content at Udemy. Part-time lecturer at Bogazici University giving a lecture titled “Transformer-based Pre-training Methods for Natural Language Processing”.