Fikret S. Gürgen, Ph.D., Professor

Positions held
  • Professor in Computer Eng. Dept. of Bogazici University Istanbul, 1999 -
  • Visiting Professor in Macquarie University, Computing Dept., Summer 1999.
  • Assoc. Prof. in Computer Eng. Dept. of Bogazici University Istanbul 1991 - 1999.
  • Researcher in MOTOROLA Australian Research Center (MARC), Speech Processing Research group 1996 - 1997.
  • Visiting Professor in Sydney University, Electrical Engineering Dept., Summer, 1995.
  • Visiting Professor in Sydney University, Electrical Engineering Dept., 1993 - 1994.
  • Research Fellow in NTT Human Interface Lab. JAPAN 1989 - 1991.

  • Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering The University of Akron, Electrical Eng. Dept. USA May 1989 (minor in Computer Control & Communication).
  • M. S. in Computer Engineering The Ohio State University, Elect. and Computer Eng. Dept. USA Dec 1985.
  • M. S. in Electrical Engineering Istanbul Technical University, Elect. Eng. Dept. Turkey March 1982.
  • B. S. in Electrical Engineering Istanbul Technical University, Elect. Eng. Dept. Turkey Sept. 1980.

Work experience
  • Teaching
    • Most of the Computer/Computing courses
    • Introduction to Computing (Programming Languages)
    • Numerical Computing
    • Computer Controlled Systems
    • Parallel Computing
    • Introduction to Math. foundations of Artificial Intelligence
    • Computer Speech Processing (Multimedia applications)
    • Foundations of Pattern Recognition (Multimedia applications)
    • Microprocessor Based System Design and Laboratory
    • Digital Systems
    • Computer Architecture
    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Discrete Mathematics
  • Research
    • Pattern recognition and analysis, Statistics and Neural Networks and Multimedia and Speech Processing Applications, Medical Data Analysis and Decision Applications (Bogazici University).
    • Research Scientist in NTT Electrical Communications Labs. (ECL) JAPAN working on speech processing (speech recognition) with Neural Networks (1989 to 1991)
    • Research and Teaching Fellow in The Univ. of Akron (from 1986 to 1989) in USA (Teaching: Control I Lab., Electric Circuits II, Random Signals, Communications, Research: Speech Processing ( speech representation and speech enhancement area))
    • Turkish Government Scholarship in Ohio State University (from 1983 to 1986) in USA
    • Teaching Assistant in Istanbul Technical University (from 1980 to 1982) (Teaching: Telecommunications Measurement Lab.)

  • 25,000 US$ grant for "Phoneme Recognition with Artificial Neural Networks" project (from TUBITAK, Prof. Ethem Alpaydin), Sept 1992-Sept 1993.
  • 11,000 US$ grant for "Phoneme Recognition with Artificial Neural Networks" project from Bogazici University with Prof. Ethem Alpaydin in 1993.
  • 360,000 A$ grant for "Automatic identification and Recognition of Accented Australian English," with Prof. Robin King, Dr. Julie Vonwiller from Australian Research Council in Sydney University, 1994.
  • 10,000 US$ grant for "Fetal Evaluation using Doppler velocity indices by neural network and pattern recognition techniques" project ( from Bogaziçi Univ., Prof. Ethem Alpaydin), Jan 1998-Jan 1999
  • 8,000 A$ grant for " Time Series Analysis by Hidden Markov Model " project from Macquarie Univ., Senior Lecturer, August-September, 1999.
  • 10,000 US$ grant proposal for "Antenatal Fetal Evaluation using Doppler velocity indices " project ( from Bogaziçi Univ., Prof. Ethem Alpaydin), Jan 1999-Jan 2000

Additional skills and abilities
  • Unix, MacOS, Windows and C/C++, Pascal, Basic, Fortran, Prolog programming languages
  • MATLAB, HTKV1.5 (HMM Toolkit), ANS (Neural Network Toolkit), ESPS (Signal Processing Toolkit)
  • Hardware design with MC 68000 microprocessor, Intel 80x86 (80286, 80386, 80486, Pentiums) series processors and peripheral devices different interfaces and programming with assembler languages in The Ohio State University
  • Conducting Electroacoustics and Telecommunications measurement experiments in Istanbul Technical University
  • Computer Controlled Systems in MS Thesis in Istanbul Technical University
  • Strong background in Signals and Systems, Communications, Statistics, Controls, Digital Systems.

Honors and awards
  • Bogazici University paper award Jan 1999.
  • Bogazici University paper award Jan 1998.
  • Yildiz Technical University, Science award, 1996.
  • Visiting Professor at Sydney University, Jan 1994-August 1994.
  • Norman Prize Fellowship at Sydney University, Sept-Dec 1993.
  • Bogazici University paper award Jan 1992.
  • Research Fellowship from NTT Laboratories JAPAN, 1989-1991.
  • Teaching and Research fellowship in The University of Akron , 1986-1989.
  • Turkish Government Scholarship for graduate study in USA, 1983-1986.
  • Research and Teaching fellowship during M.S. in Turkey, 1980-1982.
  • Haci Omer SABANCI scholarship during B.S. in Turkey, 1978-1980.
  • Among the top ten students at entrance to Istanbul Technical University, Electrical Engineering, Turkey, 1975.
  • Among the top ten students at B.S and M.S. from Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 1980.
  • The first prize at graduating High School (Pertevniyal, Istanbul- Turkey), 1975.

Referee duties
  • IEEE Systems Cybernetics and Man, Transactions referee, 1999 to currently.
  • Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier science) (as referee), from 1994 to currently
  • Serving as Area Editor "Anadolu University Science Journal," in the area of Neural Networks, Eskişehir, Turkey.
  • Serving in the Editorial Board of "Intl. Journal of Mathematical and Engineering Applications," in the area of Neural Networks, Manisa, Turkey.
  • IEEE Speech and Audio, special section on Neural Networks(as referee), 1995.
  • Member of Scientific Committee of the Systems Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI98, 99, 2000), Florida, USA.
  • Session Chair of TAINN'2000 Turkish symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Izmir, Turkey, 2000.
  • Member of Scientific Committee of the International Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems (EIS'98-99-2000).
  • Organizing Chair of TAINN'96 5th Turkish symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks, Istanbul, Turkey, June 27-28 1996.
  • Member of Scientific Committee of the I. Syposium on Mathematical & Computational Applications, Nov. 19-21, Manisa, Turkey, 1996.
  • The first, third meeting of Digital Signal Processing (Program & Local Committee member)- Turkey (1992-1994).
  • The second Artificial Intelligence Symposium (Program & Local Committee member)- Turkey.
  • The 5th Electrical Engineers Assembly Symposium (Program & Local Committee member)- Turkey.