Emre Ugur


Emre is an Assistant Professor in Dept. of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University,
head of the CoLoRs group.
received his PhD degree in Computer Engineering from Middle East Technical University (METU, Turkey). He was a research assistant in KOVAN Lab. METU (2003-2009); worked as a research scientist at ATR, Japan (2009-2013); visited Osaka University as a specially appointed Assistant Professor (2015&2016); and worked as a senior researcher in University of Innsbruck (2013-2016). He participated in several projects funded by EU, TUBITAK, and JST. He is currently Principle Investigator of IMAGINE project supported by European Commission, Horizon 2020 Programme; and EXO-AI-FLEX project supported by TUBITAK, 1003 program. He is interested in robotics, robot learning, cognitive robotics. Google scholar page.

  • CoRL 2020! Our paper titled "ACNMP: Flexible Skill Formation with Learning from Demonstration and Reinforcement Learning via Representation Sharing" is accepted as oral talk (4%) to CoRL 2020 pdf, video.
  • TUBITAK 1001! Our project proposal "Abstract Reasoning with Symbol Discovery and Life-long Learning" has been accepted by TUBITAK-1001 program.
  • Invited speaker in Sensorimotor Interaction, Language and Embodiment of Symbols (SMILES) workshop, SMILES @ ICDL 2020
  • ICRA 2020! Our paper titled "Belief Regulated Dual Propagation Nets for Learning Action Effects on Articulated Multi-Part Objects" is accepted to ICRA 2020 pdf, video.
  • RSS 2019! Our paper titled "Conditional Neural Movement Primitives" is accepted to RSS 2019! pdf, video.
  • Our work received Best Poster Award in ToRK2019! link

Some Videos: