Courses Summary
CMPE 250, Data Structures and Algorithms
CMPE 362, Signal Processing for Computer Engineering
CMPE 547 (was 58K), Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning
CMPE 548 (was 58N), Monte Carlo Computation
CMPE 58P, Machine Listening
CMPE 58R, Statistical Data Analysis
CMPE 491/492, Final Year Project Ideas
FE 587, C/C++ Programming for Finance
SWE 591, Computer Graphics, ThThTh 11 12 13
Past Courses by Year
2013-2014 Spring (S14)
CMPE 548 (Was offered as 58N in the past), Monte Carlo Methods, WWW234 ETA-A5
CMPE 482, Numerical Linear Algebra and Its Applications, WW67 Th3 ETA-A5,ETA-A5,ETA-A2
SWE 546, Data Mining, WWW 11 12 13 ETA-B5
SWE 591, Computer Graphics, StStSt 2 3 4
2013-2014 Fall (F13)
2012-2013 Spring (S13)
CMPE 58N (To be offered as 548 in the future), Monte Carlo Methods, WWW234 ETA6
CMPE 250, Data Structures and Algorithms, WW78 ETA A2, Th3 ETA A3, PS TBA
SWE 546, Data Mining, WWW 11 12 13
SWE 591, Computer Graphics, ThThTh 11 12 13
2012-2013 Fall (F12)
2011-2012 Spring (S12)
2011-2012 Fall (F11)
2010-2011 Summer (Su11)
2010-2011 Spring (S11)
2010-2011 Fall (F10)
2009-2010 Spring (S10)
2009-2010 Fall (F09)
2008-2009 Spring (S09)
2008-2009 Fall (F08)