Courses this Semester (Fall 2022):
Past Courses:
- CMPE 321 - Introduction to Database Systems (Spring 2022, Spring 2021)
- CMPE 484 - Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics (Spring 2022)
- CMPE 150 - Introduction to Computing (C) (Every semester between Spring 2013 - Spring 2021)
- CMPE 150 - Introduction to Computing (Java) (Fall 2011, Spring 2012, Fall 2012)(Course material at Moodle)
- CMPE 220 - Discrete Computational Structures (Fall 2017) (Course material at Moodle)
- CMPE 59K - Information Retrieval (Spring 2013) (Course material at Moodle)
- CMPE 59H - Bioinformatics (Fall 2018, Fall 2017, Fall 2016,Spring 2015, Spring 2014, Fall 2011, Fall 2012) (Course material at Moodle)
- CMPE 561 - Natural Language Processing (Spring 2016, Fall 2013) (Course material at Moodle)
- CMPE 493 - Introduction to Information Retrieval (Fall 2021, Fall 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018, Spring 2017, Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Summer 2011) (Course material at Moodle)