Ali Taylan Cemgil's Home Page
Academic Interests
Brief BiographyI am a Professor and vice chair at Bogazici University, Dept. of Computer Engineering. Istanbul, TR. I obtained my PhD in Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands and did postdoc work in Amsterdam, NL and Cambridge, UK before moving back to Istanbul in 2008. I am interested into basic machine learning methodologies, in particular Bayesian modelling and inference, Monte Carlo, optimization and Matrix and Tensor decomposition methods. I lead the research group PILab-sigma, that receives both local, national and EU fundig. Our group works and collaborates with industry on several applications such as audio and music processing, anomaly detection, time series, bioinformatics, tracking, sensor fusion, recommendation systems, customer analytics; and has spawned a spin-off company, Algosis, that is focusing on financial applications. NewsI will be able to give a consent only to 45 students for cmpe547, and 5 non-CMPE students for CmpE250. TeachingMachine Learning in Bosphorus - Ismail Ari Summer School 2018 CMPE UndergraduateCMPE GraduateSWE and FE programsContact: