There are two goals for this homework.
- Get familiraty to LaTeX.
- As a crowd source project, get free Calculus and Algebra books written by Suer and Demir, Ceyhun and Feyzioglu in LaTeX.
Page Assignment
Each student is assigned a couple of pages from a book. The information aboiut the assignment list is sent to the e-mail list of the course. If your name is missing, please contact the assistant.
There are several rules you must abide by when preparing the homeworks. Please pay attention to the guidelines given in the Homework Manual cmpe220latexhomeworkmanual.pdf
Also, please take a look at the Page Numbering Guide: cmpe220_latex_assignments_page_number_guide.pdf
Grading criteria is as follows:
- Fit in one page (20 points). If your document spans through multiple pages, you will fail this phase.
- Similarity to the original (60 points). You will get full points for similarity if your page is identical to the original one in the book. You will lose points for each difference you commit.
- Readability of the .tex file (20 points). Try to keep your documents readable, make sure you use indentation.
- Bonus (10 points). Figures done in LaTeX or by inkscape and the source code of the figure is provided.
Handling Figures
In addition, you will observe that some pages contain figures and this makes it more difficult to typeset a page. To remove the injustice relative to the “easier” ones, here is the deal:
- You can either snip the image and embed it in your document, or
- You can create a vector-based version of it (like .svg, .eps), using an application such as Inkscape, and embed that image. Since the latter is harder but makes the figure more attractive. you will be graded a 10-point bonus for each image you convert.