Graph Layout Generation Package

This package contains utility functions for drawing small directed or undirected networks (e.g. textbook examples) using Matlab.

Download Ver 1.0.1 (20-Feb-2003)
Tested under MATLAB 6.0 (Thanks to Boyko Stoimenov, Tohoku University/Japan)

Download Ver 1.0 (08-May-2000)
Tested under Linux MATLAB 5.3

Example 1

Example 2
Example 3

For a demo run the scripts

Tip: If the drawing becomes too messy, just resize the figure and try again.

I welcome suggestions and/or bug reports.

Ali Taylan Cemgil
e-mail :

Implementation Note:
There is really not much in the automatic layout generator. For directed graphs, I order the nodes topologically and organize them in layers. For undirected or mixed graphs, I compute the layers by partial ordering. All edges are straight lines and there is no check for edge crossings. Nevertheless, for textbook examples, (small and/or structured graphs) the results are usually not too bad.

Relevant Links:
dotty Non-matlab layout generation.
Bayes Net Toolbox by Kevin Murphy

Ali Taylan Cemgil
Last modified: Fri Feb 21 00:40:00 W. Europe Standard Time 2003