This file was created with JabRef 2.2. Encoding: UTF_8 @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p1, author = {Murat Aksoy and Neslehan Avcu and Susana Merino-Caviedes and Engin Deniz Dikta\c{s} and Miguel \'{A}ngel Mart\'{i}n-Fern\'{a}ndez and S{\i}la Girgin and Ioannis Marras and Emma Mu\~{n}oz-Moreno and Erkin Tekeli and Burak Acar and Roland Bammer and Marcos Martin-Fernandez and Ali Vahit Sahiner and Suzan \"{U}skudarli}, title = {{DTI} {A}pplication with {H}aptic {I}nterfaces}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {1-9}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p2, author = {J\'{e}r\^{o}me Allasia and Ana C. Andr\'{e}s del Valle and Drago\c{s} C\v{a}t\v{a}lin Barbu and Ionut Petre and Usman Saeed and J\'{e}r\^{o}me Urbain}, title = {{M}ultimodal {S}ervices for {R}emote {C}ommunications: the vote-registration example}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {11-26}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p3a, author = {Savvas Argyropoulos and Konstantinos Moustakas and Alexey A. Karpov and Oya Aran and Dimitrios Tzovaras and Thanos Tsakiris and Giovanna Varni and Byungjun Kwon}, title = {{A} multimodal framework for the communication of the disabled}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {27-36}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p3b, author = {Oya Aran and Ismail Ari and Pavel Campr and Erin\c{c} Dikici and Marek Hruz and Deniz Kahramaner and Siddika Parlak and Lale Akarun and Murat Sara\c{c}lar}, title = {{S}peech and {S}liding {T}ext {A}ided {S}ign {R}etrieval from {H}earing {I}mpaired {S}ign {N}ews {V}ideos}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {37-49}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p4, author = {Zeynep Inanoglu and Matthieu Jottrand and Maria Markaki and Kristina Stankovi\'{c} and Aur\'{e}lie Zara and Levent Arslan and Thierry Dutoit and Igor S. Pan\v{z}i\'{c} and Murat Sara\c{c}lar and Yannis Stylianou}, title = {{M}ultimodal {S}peaker {I}dentity {C}onversion}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {51-60}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p5, author = {Ferda Ofli and Cristian Canton-Ferrer and Yasemin Demir and Koray Balc{\i} and Jo\"{e}lle Tilmanne and Elif Bozkurt and \.{I}dil K{\i}zo\u{g}lu and Y\"{u}cel Yemez and Engin Erzin and A. Murat Tekalp and Lale Akarun and A. Tanju Erdem}, title = {{A}udio-{D}riven {H}uman {B}ody {M}otion {A}nalysis and {S}ynthesis}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {61-70}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p6, author = {Ramon Morros and Albert Ali Salah and Ben Schouten and Carlos Segura Perales and Jordi Luque Serrano and Onkar Ambekar and Ceren Kayalar and Cem Keskin and Lale Akarun}, title = {{E}vent {R}ecognition for {M}eaningful {H}uman-{C}omputer {I}nteraction in a {S}mart {E}nvironment}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {71-86}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p7, author = {Arman Savran and Oya \c{C}eliktutan and Ayd{\i}n Akyol and Jana Trojanov\'{a} and Hamdi Dibeklio\u{g}lu and Semih Esenlik and Nesli Bozkurt and Cem Demirk{\i}r and Erdem Akag\"{u}nd\"{u}z and Kerem \c{C}al{\i}\c{s}kan and Ne\c{s}e Aly\"{u}z and B\"{u}lent Sankur and \.{I}lkay Ulusoy and Lale Akarun and Tevfik Metin Sezgin}, title = {3{D} {F}ace {R}ecognition {P}erformance under {A}dversarial {C}onditions}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {87-102}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p8, author = {Mitchel Benovoy and Andrew Brouse and Thomas Greg Corcoran and Hannah Drayson and Cumhur Erkut and Jean-Julien Filatriau and Christian Frisson and Umut Gundogdu and Ben Knapp and R\'{e}my Lehembre and Christian M\"{u}hl and Miguel Angel Ortiz P\'{e}rez and Alaattin Sayin and Mohammad Soleymani and Koray Tahiro\u{g}lu}, title = {{A}udiovisual {C}ontent {G}eneration {C}ontrolled by {P}hysiological {S}ignals for {C}linical and {A}rtistic {A}pplications}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {103-116}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p9, author = {Rub\'{e}n C\'{a}rdenes-Almeida and Antonio Trist\'{a}n-Vega and Gonzalo Vegas-S\'{a}nchez-Ferrero and Santiago Aja-Fern\'{a}ndez and Ver\'{o}nica Garc\'{i}a-P\'{e}rez and Emma Mu\~{n}oz-Moreno and Rodrigo de Luis-Garc\'{i}a and Javier Gonz\'{a}lez-Fern\'{a}ndez and Dar\'{i}o Sosa-Cabrera and Karl Krissian and Suzanne Kieffer}, title = {{U}simag{T}ool: {A}n {O}pen source {F}reeware {S}oftware for {U}ltrasound {I}maging and {E}lastography}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {117-127}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p10, author = {Nicolas d'Alessandro and Onur Babacan and Bari\c{s} Bozkurt and Thomas Dubuisson and Andre Holzapfel and Lo\"{i}c Kessous and Alexis Moinet and Maxime Vlieghe}, title = {{RAMCESS} {F}ramework 2.0: {R}ealtime and {A}ccurate {M}usical {C}ontrol of {E}xpression in {S}inging {S}ynthesis}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {129-137}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p11, author = {Bar{\i}\c{s} Bahar and I\c{s}{\i}l Burcu Barla and \"{O}gem Boymul and \c{C}a\u{g}layan Dicle and Berna Erol and Murat Sara\c{c}lar and Tevfik Metin Sezgin and Milo\v{s} \v{Z}elezn\'{y}}, title = {{M}obile-phone {B}ased {G}esture {R}ecognition}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {139-146}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} } @INPROCEEDINGS{eNTERFACE07p12, author = {Morgan Tirel and Ekin Olcan Sahin and Gu\'{e}nol\'{e} C. M. Silvestre and Cl{\i}ona Roche and K{\i}van\c{c} M{\i}h\c{c}ak and Sinan Kesici and Neil J. Hurley and Neslihan Gerek and F\'{e}lix Balado}, title = {{B}enchmark for {M}ultimodal {A}uthentication}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of the e{NTERFACE}'07 {W}orkshop on {M}ultimodal {I}nterfaces}, year = {2007}, pages = {147-155}, address = {\.{I}stanbul, Turkey}, month = {July 16 - August 10} }