Journal Papers:
I. Gündem, "Fundamentals of The Metamorphosis of
Access Specifications into Simple and Complex Access Structures and a Model of
Complex Access Structures", International Journal of Systems Research
and Information Science, vol. 7, no. 1, 1997, pp. 1-19.
F. Pembe and T. I. Gündem,
Indexing for XML-Based Articles, Journal
of Digital Information Management, vol. 1, no. 2, June 2003.
Özgür and T. I. Gündem,
"Efficient Indexing Technique for XML-Based Electronic Product Catalogs" , Electronic
Commerce Research and Applications, vol. 5, issue 1, 2006, pp 66-77.
I. Gündem and Ö. Armaðan,
“Efficient Storage of Healthcare Data in XML-Based Smart Cards”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,
vol. 81, issue 1, 2006, pp 26-40.
O. Ünay and T. I. Gündem, “A Survey on Querying Encrypted XML Documents
for Databases as a Service”, ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol. 37, Number 1, March
2008, pp 12-20.
M. Kocatürk and T. I. Gündem,
“A Fine-grained Access Control System Combining MAC and RBACK Models for XML”, Informatica, Vol. 19, Issue 4, 2008, pp 517-534.
N. Aksu, T.I.Gündem.
Indexing of Medical XML Documents Stored in WORM Storage. Information
Technology and Control, 2009, Vol. 38, No. 1, 72 - 80.
Günay, T. I. Gündem.
Association Rule Hiding Over Data Streams. Information Technology and
Control, 2009, Vol. 38, No. 2, 125 - 134.
R. Konan, T. I. Gündem and M. E. Kaya. Assignment
Query and its Implementation in Moving Object Databases. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making,
2010, Vol 9, No. 3, 349-372.
O. Ünay and T. I. Gündem. Parallel Processing
of Encrypted XML Documents in Database as a Service Concept. Information Technology and
Control, 2010,
Vol. 39, No.4, 301-309.
· O. Ü. Duygulu and T.I. Gündem. A temporal XML data model in anaesthesia information systems, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2013, Vol.21, 274-299. DOI: 10.3906/elk-1105-11.
Polat and T. I. Gündem,
Stream Processing Health Card Application, Journal of Medical Systems, 2012, Vol.
35, No. 5, 3215-3222. DOI: 10.1007/s10916-011-9812-0.
Çokpınar and T.I. Gündem, Positive and Negative Association Rule Mining on XML
Data Streams in Database as a Service
Concept, Expert
Systems With Applications, 2012, Vol. 39, No. 8, 7503-7511.
· A. Erdem and T. I. Gündem, M-FDBSCAN: A multi core density based uncertain data clustering algorithm, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2014, Vol. 22, Issue 1, 143-154. DOI: 10.3906/elk-1202-83.
L. Ünver and T. I. Gündem,
Authentication of Uncertain Data Based
on k-means Clustering, Turkish Journal of Electrical
Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2016, Vol. 24,
2910-2928. DOI:
A. S. Büyükkayhan and T. I. Gündem, Assignment
as a Location Based Service in Outsourced Databses, Turkish
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (accepted for publication). DOI: 10.3906/elk-1511-190.
A. Erdem
and T. İ. Gündem, E-MFDBSCAN: An evolutionary clustering algorithm for gene
expression time series, Turkish Journal
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (accepted for publication).
DOI: 10.3906/elk-1609-163.
I. Gündem and F. Çelikel, "Structure Encryption
In XML" (PDF).