CMPE 58R Statistical Data Analysis


HW Rules

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Q#  — – Grade

Summary and Prerequisite

This Course will be an overview of Modern Bayesian Statistical Methods. We assume only an elementary exposure to probability. As is, the topics should be suitable for CMPE, EE, IE, Maths, CHE graduate students and anyone who is interested in analysis of datasets using modern techniques.

We assume elementary programming skills with Matlab and/or R. The focus will be on data analysis, not on program or system design.

CMPE58R has some overlap with the topics covered in CMPE 58K (Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning) and CMPE 58N, Monte Carlo methods for Scientific computing. However, unlike these courses, the focus is on basic statistical concepts and models. We will contrast Bayesian methods and classical frequentist statistics. We won't cover Bayesian networks or hidden Markov models and will use Monte Carlo methods mostly as a computational tool.


Course instructors

Guest Lecturer, 13 July - 8 August


Will be based on (tentatively) 4,5 Homework sets, including some theoretical and programming assignments.

No midterm, no final.