CnG (CLUSTERnGO) is a gene expression analysis tool that clusters gene (or protein) expression profiles, and extracts their GO enrichments.

For probabilistic inference, it applies a Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure for an Infinite Mixture of Piecewise Linear Sequences. For clustering, it applies Two-stage clustering procedure. For evaluation, it applies multiple hypothesis testing with Bonferroni or Benjamini-Hochberg correction. It is a graphical interface implemented in QT. It makes use of several command-line tools implemented in C++. Its source codes are under GNU GPL v3.

CnG v0.31 (with PHAF support in Phase D):

QT and C++ source codes:

Application for Windows:

Application for Linux:

Application for Mac OS X:

CnG v0.30:

QT and C++ source codes:

Application for Windows:

Application for Linux:

Application for Mac OS X:

User's manual: user_manual_CLUSTERnGO.pdf


This work was funded by Boğaziçi University Research (BAP Project 8340)

Research that use CnG: Mulvey, C., Schröter, C., Gatto, L., Dikicioglu, D., Fidaner, I. B., Christoforou, A., Deery, M., Cho, L., Niakan, K., Martinez-Arias, A., Lilley, K. (2015) "Dynamic proteomic profiling of extra-embryonic endoderm differentiation in mouse embryonic stem cells." Available: STEM CELLS (link is external)

For more information, please read our paper:

Fidaner, I. B., Cankorur, A., Dikicioglu, D., Oliver, S. G., Kirdar, B., Cemgil, A. T. (2015) "CLUSTERnGO: A user-defined modelling platform for two-stage clustering of time-series data" Available: Bioinformatics (link is external)

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Contact us

Department of Computer Engineering, Boğaziçi University,
34342 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey

  • Phone: +90 212 359 45 23/24
  • Fax: +90 212 2872461

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