Instructor: | H. Levent AKIN |
Phone: | + 90 (212) 359 6401 |
E-mail: | akin(at)boun edu tr |
Office: | ETA A32 /Dean's Office |
Prerequisite: | Consent of the Instructor (Having taken CMPE 565
previously is highly desirable) |
Time: | MTT 343 |
Place: | ET B3 ET B3 |
Course Mailing List | |
Description |
Teams in cooperative and
competitive settings; Biological Inspirations; Control; planning;
Sensors and perception; Navigation and path planning; Localization;
Learning; Communication; Team project. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor |
Gregory Dudek, Michael R. M. Jenkin, Evangelos Milios, David Wilkes, "A Taxonomy for Multi-Agent Robotics", Autonomous Robots, Volume 3, Number 4 / December, 1996.